The JDEE is an add-on software package that turns Emacs into a comprehensive system for creating, editing, debugging, and documenting Java applications.
As of 2015-07-13, is the primary source repository.
See for migration instructions.
Additional information can be found at and at
Emacs 24.4 is the oldest version that JDEE can be expected to run in.
If you install JDEE through the Emacs package system, it will take care of installing the prerequisites for you:
- flycheck
- memoize
- dash These packages can be found on ELPA and/or MELPA.
JDEE also requires JDEE Server for some operations.
The project is available in MELPA. To install it do the following:
- Add MELPA to your
if you don't have it:
;;; Add this at the top of the init.el file:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . ""))
(when (< emacs-major-version 24)
;; For important compatibility libraries like cl-lib
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . "")))
- Install JDEE from Emacs using its package manager:
M-x list-packages
There select JDEE and install: i x
- Install JDEE Server from github
Follow short readme at JDEE Server.
- Customize
to make it point to directory with JDEE Server jars.
Warning! Don't install JDEE Server inside JDEE installed from MELPA (~/.emacs.d/elpa/jdee-xxx
), because it will be deleted with next update of JDEE! Create a separate directory, for example: ~/.emacs.d/jdee-server
Customized jdee-server-dir
in your init file should look something like:
'(jdee-server-dir "/Users/you/.emacs.d/jdee-server"))
For additional information, see the old installation instructions.
- Clone the github repository.
- Open the cloned JDEE directory in dired.
- Being in dired, install using command:
For development you will need to install Cask:
Install Cask.
cask install
from the JDEE directory (make sure that thecask
command is in your PATH). -
Run the tests:
make test
To use this built distribution without installation, in your .emacs add:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/jdee")
(require 'jdee)
JDEE ships with documentation in Info format, but if you want you can generate the docs in other formats too.
To generate Info, HTML and PDF documentation:
Install texinfo.
For PDF generation, you also need texi2dvi, texinfo-tex, texlive-ec and texlive-cm-super.
In the doc/ subdirectory, run:
makeinfo --info --html --pdf jdee.texi
Some of the features of JDEE include:
- source code editing with syntax highlighting, auto indentation using the native GNU Emacs Java mode
- Symbol completion (jdee-complete-in-line)
- Code generation: templates, import insertion/deletion/ordering etc.
- browse JDK doc, using the browser of your choice (jdee-help-symbol and jdee-help-docsets)
- browse your source code (jdee-find-class* and semantic integration)
- compilation with automatic jump from error messages to responsible line in the source code using ant (jdee-ant-build).
- run Java application in an interactive (comint) Emacs buffer
- integrated debugging with interactive debug command buffer and automatic display of current source file/line when stepping through code (jdee-debug)
- supports Oracle/OpenJDK Java 7
- runs on any platform supported by GNU Emacs 24.3 and later
- easily and infinitely customizable
- Static imports don't quite work
- Limited support for Java template beyond basic highlighting, parsing, and indenting.
- Indentation after multi-line annotations might be unexpected
- If you notice a bug, open an issue on Github Issues
- Paul Kinnucan (original author and contributor)
- Przemysław Wojnowski (primary maintainer/owner)
- Paul Landes (maintainer)
- Shyamal Prasad (maintainer)
- Phil Lord (maintainer)