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Objects are the main component of databases. An object can store up to 65536 fields and 65536 arrays.

Using objects

Objects can be found inside src/Object.h. However, you should include Cereal.h, as it also includes all the other files from the library.

Lets begin creating an object:

Cereal::Object* myObject = new Cereal::Object("Object name");

Now, our object has the name "Object name" and is ready to store fields and arrays:

short arrayValues[] = { 32, 18, 21, 30 };

Cereal::Array* myArray = new Cereal::Array("Array name", arrayValues, 4); // We create an array with 4 values
Cereal::Field* myField = new Cereal::Field("Field name", 3.141592f); // We store pi inside that field

myObject->addArray(myArray); // Add the array to the object
myObject->addField(myField); // Add the field to the object

Once our object has all the fields and all the arrays we need inside it, we can call Object::write(Buffer& buffer) to serialize it:

Cereal::Buffer buffer(1024); // We create a buffer of 1 kilobyte

A call to Object::write(Buffer& buffer) will return true if the data contained by the object was successfully serialized. If not, it will return false. Normally this means the buffer is too small to store this object (and the fields and arrays it contains). Always make sure that myObject->getSize() < buffer.getFreeSpace()

Finally, we can deserialize our object and get its fields and arrays like so:

Cereal::Object* obj = new Cereal::Object; // We create an empty object
obj->read(buffer); // Read the buffer and get all the fields and arrays

Cereal::Field* field = obj->getField("Field name"); // Get the field
Cereal::Array* array = obj->getArray("Array name"); // Get the array

If the field or the array is not found, it will return nullptr.

Sample code

#include <Cereal.h> // Include the library

int main()
    Cereal::Buffer buffer(1024); // Create a buffer

    int arrayData[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; // Create an array

    Cereal::Object* myObject = new Cereal::Object("Test object"); // Create an object

    // Adding fields and arrays to objects
    myObject->addField(new Cereal::Field("Test field", 42)); // Create a field and add it to the object
    myObject->addArray(new Cereal::Array("Test array", arrayData, 4)); // Create an array and add it to the object

    // Writing objects

    // Reading objects
    Cereal::Object* otherObject = new Cereal::Object; // Create another object
    buffer.setOffset(0); // Move the offset of the buffer to the beginning
    otherObject->read(buffer); // Read the buffer

    // Getting a field and an array from an object
    Cereal::Field* field = otherObject->getField("Test field"); // Get the field
    Cereal::Array* array = otherObject->getArray("Test array"); // Get the array

    // Free dynamic memory
    delete myObject; // Objects will automatically delete all the fields and arrays they contain
    delete otherObject;

    return 0;