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Android Fractal Application


From the command line issue the following commands:

  1. export ANDROID_HOME=[ANDROID SDK DIRECTORY] : only necessary if your system doesn't have this environment variable already set.
  2. cd [WORKING DIRECTORY] : to move into the working directory
  3. git clone --recursive [CLONE REPOSITORY URL] : to clone the project's repository
  4. cd fractal-android/ : to move into the sub-directory of the project just cloned
  5. ./gradlew assemble : to build the APK file to upload to your android device

Upload the APK file assembled to your android device. Location: [WORKING DIRECTORY]/fractal-android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-free-release-unsigned.apk

Install this APK file on your android device.

Launch the android fractal application just installed.


The idea of the application is to define a set of lines that will form a geometric pattern for the application to eventually apply self-similarity to the rest of them in order to generate the fractal.

  1. Draw these pattern lines on your screen (patterns) through dragging gestures.
  2. Optionally for each line the color may be preset through the Change Color... menu option.
  3. Once ready to see the fractal corresponding to the pattern drawn select the Generate New Fractal menu option.
  4. Finally answer to the popup menu How many recursions you want to compute on the fractal and see the fractal drawn on the screen.

As a warning, it is better not to define too many lines in the pattern (5 should be fine), nor higher recursion levels (no more than 7 for a 5 line pattern); as the recursion is memory and processing intensive and the application is prone to crash if the fractal is too big.


  • This client application links the Fractal Library as a subproject, to provide the computational aspects of generating the fractal.
  • For that reason the cloning of this project must include the --recursive option.


Android app to draw fractals from geometric patterns








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