- This is a group project as part of "Generation Australia's" Web Development program.
The primary purpose of this project is to provide users with a website Task Planner.
It allows tasks to be created by users and displayed back to them in a "card" format.
- Create new tasks
- Update existing tasks
- Delete existing tasks
- Form validation (to help prevent mistakes when creating task)
- Filter displayed cards by status (To-Do, In-Progress, Review, Done, or Show All)
- Persists data between sessions (saves tasks to local device, so tasks can remain existent after refreshing/closing webpage)
- HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript were used to create this website.
- The website has been deployed through Github Pages, so simply open in browser (https://marcobuontempo.github.io/Task-Planner-JWD/).
- Use a modern browser (i.e. Chrome) for best experience.
- Sidebar -> "Create" button -> Fill in details -> "Save Task" button
- Click on existing task card -> Fill in details -> "Save Task" button
- When submitting form, ensure that:
- 'Title' is 5+ characters long
- 'Description' is 5+ characters long
- 'Assigned To' is 3+ characters long
- 'Due Date' is not empty
- 'Task Status' is not empty
- Invalid fields will prevent the user from submitting the task
- When submitting form, ensure that:
- Hover on existing task card -> Click 'X' button -> Confirm
- Alternatively, Click on existing card -> Click on "Delete Task" -> Confirm
- Sidebar -> Click any "filter" button
- As this project's main intention was for educational purpose, there likely won't be on-going support available.
- Marco Buontempo
- Josh Escaran
- Anthony Nguyen
- This project will likely not be updated further from its current state.