Projects completed from Automate The Boring Stuff With Python - Al Sweigart
Project Count: 61
Project Types:
- Python basics
- Python lists
- Python data structures
- Manipulating data
- Regular Expressions
- Reading and writing files
- Organising files
- Debugging
- Web scraping
- Web automation
- Excel Spreadsheets with Python
- PDF and Word documents
- CSV and JSON files
- Sending Email and Text Messages
- Manipulating Images
- Controlling the keyboard and mouse with GUI automation
Refer to requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- The 1st Version of "Automate The Boring Stuff With Python" was used; Currently, there is a 2nd Version available with updated/newer projects.
- These programs were once-off demos for learning and reference. They will not be updated to ensure functionality (i.e. web-scraping programs will break if the accessed websites change their structure, or API calls will break if there are changes to these externally provided services).
- Most programs will work (and were designed to work) on either Windows/Linux/OSX. However, since these were created on OSX, there may be some occasional programs where Windows/Linux is not supported correctly. It is outside the scope and purpose of this repo to implement this into each program.