Based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (
Based on SMSTools3 sms gateway Version 3.1.21 (
Supported on Docker 1.20 and above (
Full SMSTools3 server based on Ubuntu, with cron, logrotate, wget and curl just installed.
Download the files from github, and unzip in a forder called /docker-sms3, cd into this folder.
docker build -t="docker-sms3" .
This create the image on your docker. To show list of your images:
docker images
docker create \
--name docker-sms3-container \
--device=/dev/ttyUSB1 \
-v /etc/smsd.conf:/etc/smsd.conf \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-t -i docker-sms3
Use option --device to connect the GSM modem from the host, to docker container. This option is supported from Docker 1.2.0 and above. In order to make smsd.conf editable, you shoud use -v options to map the file from inside the container to a path on host.
Option -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro will setup the timezone of the container to same timezone of your host.
Copy smsd.conf included into this repository to local /etc folder, before running the container.
cp ./extra/smsd.conf /etc/smsd.conf
Then run the just created container
docker start docker-sms3-container
smsd logs, are redirected to container's stdout, so you can easily check whats happen
docker logs docker-sms3-container
docker exec -i -t docker-sms3-container /bin/bash /etc/myscript/ +39XXXXXXXXXX "Sending of test message"
docker exec -i -t docker-sms3-container /bin/bash sendsms +39XXXXXXXXXX 'Sending of test message'
or This container offer a full WebServer with PHP support listening on port 80, based on Apache and PHP just installed. Also a SendSMS script is provided in order to send SMS via HTTP Post, to avoid SSH access to docker server. PHP accept JSON in input and process the sms according with passed data. Here is an example of the post.
URL: http://docker_server_address:80/send_sms.php
"text":"Put here the text of the SMS to send with this script"
Base on your docker server you may need to map the http port to another, using -p parameter, and you can alco map http folder to docker host in order to quickly edit the scripts. Apache will run on standard Ubuntu folder, /var/www/http/
Please note, use the telefone number in E.164 format, using the international prefix with + ahead. Don't exeed 160 charaters for message.
When message is received, a script can be run according with SMS3 documentation. In my case, I use curl to run a command on a remote server and handle received SMS.