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Website to help organizations & clubs coordinate activities amongst their members


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T13 Activity Web

Website to help organizations & clubs coordinate activities amongst their members, especially my local kart club.

Master: Build Status Dev: Build Status Release: Release status

Developed by Marcus Sonestedt under the Affero GPL license.

Data model

  • EventTypes - race day, training week, track work day or club barbecues
  • Events - a specific race or similar time-bound event of some type
  • ActivityType - a role that has to be filled during an event, flag marshal, pre-grid controller or technical scrutineer for races, carpenter or painter for work days or grill-meister and sauce-master for barbecues.
  • Activity - a specific activity of given type for an event, which can be assigned to a user
  • Member - person able to perform an Activity, possible linked to a web site User
  • ActivityDelistRequest - request by member to be de-listed from an activity, must be approved/rejected by staff to have an effect, unless someone else books that activity


  • Any OS should work, although it has been developed on Windows with the goal to support running on Linux in production.
  • Visual Studio Code is an free and excellent editor.
  • Visual Studio Community/Professional is also usable.

Architecture Overview

This project was set-up with inspiration from this blog but using Typescript instead of Javascript for the React frontend for type safety.

Currently, the React-based frontend is served via the Django web server but it could be moved to a fast, static website/CDN in the future.

The end-user part of the front-end is written in React to work as a single-page web application, putting most of the work on the client and leaving the server with only delivering data and answering terse api-calls.

For administrators, a classic render-html-on-server approach via the regular Django framework is used, mostly because we want to use Django's great autogenerated admin-site to enter and adjust the backing data


Uses Django & Django REST Framework.

By default, uses the SQLite db during development, which runs in-process against a single file.

  • Install Python 3.7 or later

  • Create a virtual python environment and activate it

    • On Windows:

      python -m venv env  
      python -m venv env  
    • On Linux:

      virtualenv env
      source env/scripts/activate
  • Install required packages (into the virtual environment)
    This must be done whenever requirements.txt is updated)

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Collect static files

'''bash python collectstatic

  • Initialize database with create schema (via migrations), load some sample data and create a super user so you can log in:
python migrate
python loaddata fixtures/2020_testdata.json --format=json
python createsuperuser
  • Start development server

Insecure to run locally and serve static file.

Copy to (defaults with DEBUG=True)-

python runserver --insecure


Uses React, TypeScript and Bootstrap.

  • Install Node.js v16 (v18 or later does not work yet)

  • Go into frontend dir

    cd frontend
  • Install packages:
    This must be done whenever frontend/packages.json is updated.

    npm install
  • Start development server

    npm run start

Setup running in production

  • Perform steps for backend & frontend above except starting servers

  • In repo root, run the script:

    python ./

    This builds the frontend and copies static files to where Django expects them.

  • Setup the Django site as a WSGI app on your web host:

    import os
    import sys
    # assuming your django settings file is at '/home/macke/t13activityweb/T13ActivityWeb/'
    # and your is is at '/home/macke/t13activityweb/'
    path = '/home/macke/t13activityweb'
    if path not in sys.path:
    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'T13ActivityWeb.settings'
    # then:
    from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
    application = get_wsgi_application()
  • Start your server!

Tweak stuff via SQL! (danger)

Set tasks' earliest bookable date 1 month before event occurs, for events at a certain date or later

(This is different for every SQL DB apparently, see this Stack Overflow question

Code below is for SQLite (run sqlite3 in prompt, or google for a GUI)

update app_activity
set earliest_bookable_date = (
  select date(e.start_date, "-1 months") 
  from app_event e 
  where = event_id
where ROWID in (
  select a.ROWID from app_activity a
  left join app_event e on a.event_id =
  where e.start_date >= '2024-07-01' 

Update individual packages


Check outdated packages

npm outdated

Then update (save/save-dev depending if used during runtime or not)

npm install <package>@latest --save[-dev]


List outdated packages:

python -m pip list --outdated

Update via pipupgrade, or any another method recommended here.

python -m pip install pipupgrade
python -m pipupgrade --latest --yes

Third-party services

API-Keys, passwords, email-addresses and other things that interact with the world outside this web application is stored in

See for the format and current keys.

The app should work fine without this file or with a subset of keys, please report a bug if your experience is different.

ReCaptcha v3


  • Verify that users registering and/or logging in are humans



  • Website uses the django-recaptcha library to integrate into login/register forms.
    The forms have a ReCaptcha field and the require



  • send/receive SMS.
  • verifying phone numbers (via SMS)


  • Create phone number (for SMS source) and get api keys from their Admin Console.

  • Create a messaging service and configure webhook to point to our server's 'api/sms' view to receive SMS.


  • Web site uses Twilio's python library to send SMS and verify phone numbers.

Sendgrid (by Twilio)


  • Send lots of emails.



  • Web site uses Sendgrid's SMTP relay to use Django's existing email code easily.


Website to help organizations & clubs coordinate activities amongst their members








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