- @'Phil65' (skin.estuary) (default[foo].pngs's, some backgroundpatterns)
- @'Marcelveldt' , @'mgonzales71' (resource.images.backgroundoverlays.basic)
- some icons taken from https://materialdesignicons.com/
- some backgroundimages taken from unsplash.com (image creators are credited in the filename)
- resource.images.skin.swan
- script.swan.helper
- resource.images.studios.coloured
- resource.images.studios.white
- resource.images.weathericons.outline-hd
- resource.images.languageflags.colour
- script.embuary.helper
- script.embuary.info
- plugin.video.themoviedb.helper
- service.upnext
- script.artwork.beef - LEIA only
- script.cu.lrclyrics
- the skin checks if a local trailer exists on item focus
filename and extension does'nt matter as long as trailer is in the filename
this skins uses several windows where you tube lookups will be performed, if you dislike such lookups/container content you can disable them those are currently
- tv show info viewtype (view id 58) trailers - disable youtube trailer via menucontrol
- dialogvideoinfo sountdtrack ; title search - disable youtube trailer in skinsettings
- search searchterm - disable youtube trailer in skinsettings
you may will also need an own Youtube API key to get those results if wished
- you can choose between 2 themes (default & rounded ) the usual way
choose a theme in the interface settings
- rounded theme is a little bit special, if you not use colors for the item tag bg panel the widget/item artwork get rounded corners if you use item tag bg panel colors the rounded corners will be applied to the top of the widget/item artwork and to the bottom of a tag bg panel
There are 2 ways to choose Colorthemes.
- The skins comes with prefefined Color Themes which can be choosen the usual way.
choose a color theme in the interface settings
- The 2nd Method require script.skin.helper.colorpicker and script.skin.helper.skinbackup
You can edit nearly every color used by the skin in the Custom Color Section and build your own Themes using the Backup/Restore funtction
if not already installed the skin will install it by going to the custom color section and toggle the "use custom color" setting on
a live window to show off the color changes in a preview window is in progress
The Backgroundbuilding is built up as follows,
Layer 1
- fullscreen Background ,
- Custom Color can be set
- Area is mostly not visible, nor noticable , but if you prefer transparence colors/ images on other layers it'll become important
Layer 2 / Artwork Layer
can be a custom image (which is also the fallback image if fanart setting is enabled nut no artwork is found) optional : show fanart artwork image - background artwork setting section optional : show rotating extra fanart - background artwork setting section optional : prefer animated fanart if available
NOTE: music check this link and movie check this link and adjust your advancedsetting.xml bar.
NOTE: i recommend using artwork beef addon, which is also supported in the skin (musicinfo,videoinfo,settings section)
there are 2 options HOW color (background layer2 color ) will be applied here ** a) try to tint the image itself, not recommended if using 'show fanart' ** b) use 80% transparence image which is tinted instead and will lay over Layer 2 (1st diffusor )
can be enabled in skinsettings : background section
optional blur artwork background is possible via script.embuary.helper which is a skin dependencie. Just possible Media Windows (videos,music) you can set strongness/blurring radius in embuary helper addon settings
you can animate your Layer 2 background image which uses a slide animation to bring in some movement to the background
color will be spplied directly on that layer
Layer 3 (optional) ( CAN BE DISABLED IF SET COLOR TO NONE, or set alpha 00 )
- can be a custom image ( its supposed as a 2nd diffusor )
- color will be spplied directly on that layer
special case spotlight style media windows That windows use its own colors which also be set in the custom color section
Is a special Music Media Window , from here you can navigate trough every Library Content of your Music & Musicvideos without leaving that window ( if wished so )
- it has a unique filter method in the top bar
- easy navigation via menubar on the left
- if music is playing you'll also able to have the current playlist visible by click on thebplaylist button in the top bar or navigate on right (from there you can also manipulate the playlist)
NOTE: - default select action (when item is supposed to be played and not for navigation ) can be choosen by user (add to playlist as next title and play (default) - or just add to playlist as next title in playlist - related to songs,albums,genre items) - playlist manipulation can be done via my playlist.context menu addon ( move focused item up/down, delete focused item) - just bring up contextmenu and choose wished action
- the skin comes with a own search window which is available in the icon premenu and/or menu-panel in media windows
- can be used as custom main menu entry
each container content can be en/disabled within the skinsettings section
- consists of 3 Pages
- click up to show additional info
- click down to navigate trough some content containers
by click on a cast member you can decide if you wanna do a local search or tmdb search ( requires embuary info addon )
by default the skin overrides the common select action when click on movie or tv show item in a container, which means that you go to the info dialog for that item you can disble this behaviour in the L I B R A R Y skinsetting section in the videoinfo subsection
by focus a cast member you'll get a list with movies and tv shows from your library
the skin looks if a soundtrack exists in your music library for the movie/show and if wished do a youtube lookup for a soundtrack which xan be played
each container content can be en/disabled within the skinsettings section
you can scroll trough some artwork and can go to fullscreen slideshow by click on the artwork. there are 2 ways from where those images are loaded which can be selected within the skinsettings 1. RECOMMENDED : show scrapped artwork which respects the definitions from your advancedsettings.xml 2. show content of extrafanart folder which should be place in the item art folder (depreciated method for storing)
https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=337089 https://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings.xml#Extra_artwork
- you can play albums, songs or musicvideos from your library for the current artist without leaving
you can scroll trough some artwork and can go to fullscreen slideshow by click on the artwork.
the skin looks if booklet artwork exists this require a images with naming of booklet1,booklet2,booklet3 ... in the album folder. You'll also need to define them in the advancedsettings.xml
the similiar artists/albums , top 4 list , youtube , amazon prime music containes can be en/disabled within the skinsettings section
- always visible in media / settings windows
- optional : hide background in Media Windows
- optional : custom background texture can be choosen
- choose which info you like to show/hide (profile switcher, weather info , time , date )
just visible in media windows
can be disabled per view type
e.g. show it on list view(50) and hide it on square panel view(53¿)
you can choose which info should be shown globally (rating(s) , media flags )
NOTE : special ratings need to be scraped
each rating can be en/disabled seperatly if your interested in metacritic, rotten tomato ratings you'll need an omdb api key and the universal movie scrapper or a scrapper which is able to scrape those
you can choose in which window kodi should start
if Profile Login enabled you are able to define the Background Image , beside the usual way you can enable the profile login within the Startup Setting Section
- you can choose between 4 different Layouts
spotlight - choose artwort position ( left, right) - choose text alignment ( left, center , right )
Just Widgets
Just Main Menu Tiles
choose custom colors / background image / background overlay image ( see backgroundbuilding )
you can define up to 25 mainmenu items and define their used artwork / attributes seperatly via shortcut section
- name
- icon
- fanart (currently used as background image)
- by default items are supposed to activate specific TARGET ( = windows ) and if set open the window in the specific PATH ( = the path for that window)
- optional you can also define and perform KODI executebuiltin functions
by pressing menu button / m key they icon bar gets focused , click left there to slide out the menu panel
you can en/disable a profile switcher at the top
- you can define up to 99 widgets and define their layouts / attributes seperatly
layout (landscape , poster , circle , square , banner )
tags ( visible / hidden )
sort order
sort direction
limit items (default is 0 ; no limit )
show extended item info ( plot , genre, flags ) if not using Spotlight Home Layout
there is a attribute "is section" when set it to true you'll get tiny tiles which are supposed to used for sections like genre,year or root list entrys from the library you can set a custom tile image and icon/text color globally for all widgets which use that attribute
you can enable "show title" in the widget Heading which counts globally for all widgets
WIP = means in mind alignment of widget heading can be left , center , right
you can define up to 25 custom shutdownmenuitems and define their icon, position and action
in Media Windows you're able to blur the item backgroudpanel
... PUT 1 IMG as comparison (blur vs default)
there is a customizable icon bar (hide/show options) in media windows for quick navigation
- there is will be an option to focus that control bar by pressing menu / m key
- if click left the menu panel will slide out which offers more options
menu panel is the default section which slides out and gain focus by press menu / m key
- container setting
- navigation settings (can be en/disabled)
- view type specific settings
if a media container can be filtered you can easily do a quick filter or advanced filter
- there
iswill be an option to focus the filter button by pressing menu / m key
- there
OSD-Controls has optional autoclose : disable osd with timeout by click at playback controls (0 - 9 seconds) - can be set in Skinsettings Section
OSD-Info will fade out after 5 seconds idle time (not optional at current state ) when playback gets paused
when OSD Controls have focus - if click up : you'll focus the OSD SeekSlider Control,to move forward / back with left right
when OSD Controls have focus - if click down : you'll open the videofullscreeninfo or optional the bookmark dialog, optional video will paused on opening
if OSD active and press 'i' key 'Action(info)' - you'll toggle the videodescription On/Off
if OSD is not active and press 'i' key 'Action(info)' - you'll Open the videofullscreeninfo window