This is not meant to be full-fledged FTP server, just a simple docker container you run, when you need to get a firmware package to a switch/filer/bridge, or any other device.
It should be started when needed and stopped after it has been used.
If you need a real ftp server (to run non-stop, be used by multiple users, etc.) use something that does not provide credentials as environment variables.
Wrapper script '' is provided to quickly start the service, set the user/pass, provide location for data and stop/remove the container.
Name of the user that has started the container is added to the container name, so it is possible to run multiple instances by different users, provided they do not share the port.
I'm very sure someone will forget to turn it off, at least you'll know who.
Container is run with --net=host
and ftp server is running in passive mode when using wrpapper script.
If you don't want to run 'host based networking' you can play with publishing ports to the container, but unless you want to run in active mode only, it is rather PITA... still possible though.
Clone it git clone
build it ./
run it ./ start
user@server:/tmp# start
FTP server is running with following settings:
User: ftp_user
Pass: ftp_pass
Serving directory: /tmp
Runs the container with default user/pass on current directory.
user@server:/tmp# start -i
Set FTP directory [/tmp]: /srv/ftp
Set FTP user [ftp_user]: feri
Set FTP password [ftp_pass]: heslo
Set FTP port [21]: 2121
FTP server is running with following settings:
User: feri
Pass: heslo
Listening on:
Serving directory: /srv/ftp
docker run -d --rm --net=host --name simple_ftp \
-v <directory>:/app/ftp_root \
-e FTP_USER=<user> \
-e FTP_PASS=<pass> \
-e FTP_PORT=<port> \
Idea comes from -
Most of the really relevant stuff -