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Marello Unified Commerce Application

Marello Unified Commerce Management provides capabilities to meet and exceed rising expectations in commerce. Add and manage any sales channel, gain real-time insight into your B2C and B2B orders, inventory, fulfillment, customers and more. A unique unified experience allows shoppers to buy anywhere, fulfill anywhere, and return anywhere with one piece of software, one single version of the truth.

This document contains information on how to download, install, and start using Marello.


Marello is a Symfony 5.4 based application with the following requirements:

  • PHP 8.2 or above with command line interface
  • PHP Extensions
    • ctype
    • curl
    • fileinfo
    • gd
    • intl (ICU library 4.4 and above)
    • json
    • mbstring
    • sodium
    • openssl
    • pcre
    • simplexml
    • tokenizer
    • xml
    • zip
    • imap
    • soap
    • bcmath
    • ldap
    • pgsql
  • PostgreSQL 15.1

Installation instructions

As both Symfony and Marello use Composer to manage their dependencies, this is the recommended way to install Marello.

  • Clone Marello application repository:
git clone -b x.y.z

where x.y.z is the latest release tag or use the latest master:

    git clone
  • Install Composer globally following the official Composer installation documentation

  • Make sure that you have Node.js >=18.14.0, <19 installed and NPM >=9.3.1, <10

  • Install Marello dependencies with composer. If installation process seems too slow you can use --prefer-dist option. Go to marello-application folder and run composer installation:

composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev
  • Create the database with the name specified on previous step (default name is "marello_application").

  • On some systems it might be necessary to temporarily increase memory_limit setting to 1 GB in php.ini configuration file for the duration of the installation process:


Note: After the installation is finished the memory_limit configuration can be changed back to the recommended value (512 MB or more).

  • Install application and admin user with Installation Wizard by opening install.php in the browser or from CLI:
php bin/console oro:install --env prod

Note If the installation process times out, add the --timeout=0 argument to the oro:install command.

  • Enable WebSockets messaging
php bin/console gos:websocket:server --env prod
  • Configure crontab or scheduled tasks execution to run the command below every minute:
php bin/console oro:cron --env prod
  • Launch the message queue processing:
php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --env=prod

Note We do recommend to use a supervisor for running the oro:message-queue:consume command. This will make sure that the command and the consumer will run all the time. This has become important for every Oro Platform based application since a lot of background tasks depend on the consumer to run. For more information about configuration and what supervisor can do for you can either be found in the Oro(CRM) docs or the site of Supervisord.

Note: bin/console is a path from project root folder. Please make sure you are using full path for crontab configuration or if you running console command from other location.

Installation notes

Installed PHP Accelerators must be compatible with Symfony and Doctrine (support DOCBLOCKs)

Note that the port used in Websocket must be open in firewall for outgoing/incoming connections

Additional performance configurations and optimizations can be found in the Oro docs

Web Server Configuration

The Marello application is based on the Symfony standard application so web server configuration recommendations are the same.

Package Manager Configuration

Github OAuth token should be configured in package manager settings