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This is a site showing a quick overview of travel destinations' COVID situation, condensed into 4 key numbers.

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Covidocity - quick risk assesment site

As the world re-opens and people start to move about again, our travel decisions should be informed. We are here to help. This is a site showing a quick overview of travel destinations' COVID situation, condenced into 4 key numbers.

A deployed version can be viewed here.


  1. About
    1. User Story
    2. Acceptance criteria
    3. Data
    4. Build
    5. Future plans
  2. Setup
  3. Credits
  4. License
  5. Contributing


This is a one page site showing quick view stats on travel destinations and allowing the user to compare those stats.

User Story

AS A traveler  
I WANT to see the COVID situation data on my destination  
SO THAT I can plan a trip accordingly  

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a data dashboard with destination inputs  
WHEN I search for a country or US state  
THEN I am presented with current and trend data on that destination  
WHEN I view current and trend data on that destination  
THEN I am presented with the latest number of new cases per 100k people per day, latest number of active cases per 100k people, 14 day trends on each  
WHEN I view the trend  
THEN I am presented with a graphical representation of the 14 day data  
WHEN I click the 'Compare' button  
THEN I can search a second destination without losing the data on the first destination  
WHEN I search for the second destination  
THEN I am again presented with the data points as above in a new comparison container  

The page loads with a large hero element and site name. That is followed by the input fields and results boxes ready to populate.

Screenshot of load page

There are two results cards for ease of comparison. The results cards indicate the trend values by color. Green for improving, red for worsening and gold for plateauing.

Screenshot of results cards

We also offer an about page with info on the calculations and sources of the data.

Screenshot of about page


The application uses the following data inputs:

Based on the inputs we calculate the following:

  • new cases per day per 100k people
  • active cases per 100k people
  • trend for each based on last 14 days


  • In HTML semantic tags have been used to aid with accessibility.
  • The site is built using Bulma CSS framework.
    • The use of Bulma minimises the need for media queries.
    • See Bulma documentation for customising the site with their provided options
  • countries.js is used to populate the drop-down menues
  • jQuery powers the dynamic rendering of the html content based on user input
  • charts.js is used for the charts rendered for trend line illustration
  • moment.js is used to manipulate date values for historic data extraction from APIs
  • FontAwesome is used for social media links. Read more about fontAwesome use and installation here.

Future plans

  • search history storage
  • render first info based on browser location
  • badges on numbers for further info on calculation
  • when comparing, graphs switch to x axis and y axis crossing at zero


To clone the repo:

git clone


@Arati15 Arati Bhandwalkar: front-end, html ruler @jfisher396 James Fisher: front-end, Bulma king @mariah-helbling Maria Helbling: back-end, algorithms, project champ @Brycetp11 Bryce Pingul: back-end, ajax requests, git master


Built by Arati Bhandawalkar, James Fisher, Maria Helbling & Bryce Pingul This application is released under MIT license.


To contribute to this application, create a pull request. Here are the steps needed for doing that:

  • Fork the repo
  • Create a feature branch (git checkout -b NAME-HERE)
  • Commit your new feature (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  • Push your branch (git push)
  • Create a new Pull Request

Following a code review, your feature will be merged.


This is a site showing a quick overview of travel destinations' COVID situation, condensed into 4 key numbers.






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Contributors 4
