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The objective of this project is to develop a map generator capable of producing a maze with a starting point, an ending point, and a treasure location. the starting point and the ending point, as well as the treasure point and the starting point, should be connected by a path.

The map generator creates a QTable through the application of Q-learning, which must subsequently be utilized to create a path connecting the three randomly generated locations (the starting, ending, and treasure point).

DungeonMapGenerator doc

The Maze Generator API Service is built with FastAPI.

FastAPI is a cutting-edge, quick web framework for creating APIs.

Run locally

Install dependencies

pip install src/
pip install -r api_requirements.txt

Run server

With a custom port and workers

uvicorn serving.api_main:app --reload --workers 1 --host --port 8092

Run with docker

Build the image

docker build -t maze_generator_image -f api.Dockerfile .

Run a container

docker run -d -e PORT=8080 -p 8092:8080 maze_generator_image

API documentation (provided by Swagger UI)

Access: or if you run the server providing the port 8092 for example.

And you can use curl command to query the API and save the image:

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "maze_size": 4,
  "alpha": 0.8,
  "discount": 0.9,
  "epsilon": 0.2,
  "num_episodes": 100000
}' \
  > output.png


curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"maze_size": 4}' \
  > output.png

Input parameters:

maze_size: represents the (width=maze_size, height=maze_size) of the maze to be generated.

alpha: is the learning rate, typically set between 0 and 1. If the alpha value is set to 0, the Q-values are never updated, consequently, nothing is learned. When the alpha is set to a high value, like 0.9, learning can take place quickly.

discount: is the discount factor that should be set between 0 and 1. This illustrates the fact that future rewards are worth less than immediate rewards.

epsilon: is related to the epsilon-greedy action selection procedure in the Q-learning algorithm. It introduces randomness into the algorithm, forcing the algorithm to try different actions. This helps not to get stuck in a local optimum. Epsilon is typically chosen as a tiny number close to 0.

num_episodes: represents the q learning algorithm training episodes. Running more episodes allows Q table to be learned by more trial-and-error interactions with the environment.

Output Response:

A plot of the generated maze (Grid (maze_size*maze_size)) with "x" markers representing the starting point, "+" marker representing the treasure point and "o" marker representing the ending point.

Run api + ui services:

docker-compose up --build

then http://localhost:8501 or

Generated maze examples:

Legend: "x"= starting point, "+": treasure point, "o": end point.

Evaluating the difficulty of a maze:

We can evaluate the difficulty of a maze using the following metrics:

  • Completion time of a maze
  • The number of Forks along the correct path:
    • If the perfect path only has one branch, then you only need to be lucky once.
  • The number of Loops:
    • Path loops can make a maze more difficult because it is simple to realize that you are on the wrong road when you reach a dead end, but if you go in circles, you may visit the same path repeatedly before realizing you should be somewhere else.
  • The number of three-way intersections and number of four-way intersections.
  • The number of elbow cells (e.g. passage entering from downside (going upwards), then turning either right or left)