This is a complete production project which makes a prediction based in airbnb_listings dataset.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- airbnb
- Flask API application
- The request for Flask API
- iinitiates a new model, trains the model, and pickle
- model
- XGBRegressor.pkl
- requirements.txt: list of packages that the app will import
- data: directory that contains the data file
- listings_reduced.csv
- template: the initial page where the new data to be predicted will be added
- index.html
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
This is a text file that holds all the library versioning requirements. It consists of all the external (non pre-installed Python libraries) libraries used to execute the code within the pipeline.
# Install libraries in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
# If you want to run, build and create the pickle file again just:
If not, it's ok, a version of the pickle model is included in: model/XGBRegressor.pkl
For start running the complete application just:
#Run the next command in your cmd/terminal
Open the url that it shows you, it would be:
And a window, where all fields must be filled in, must be opened (btw sorry for my poor front-end skills). After filling all the fields, just press the button "Predict price" and the predicted price will appear.
- Mariana Alanis - Initial work -