Welcome to My_Lib, a repository containing a collection of functions that I've developed and frequently use. These functions were primarily created during my C POOL at EPITECH, and they cover a range of utility and common programming tasks.
This repository serves as a personal library of functions that I find useful in various programming projects. The functions are written in C and cover a wide range of functionalities, from basic functions, like a my_putchar, to more complex ones, like my_printf.
my_putchar: outputs a char.
my_putstr: outputs a string.
my_put_nbr: takes a string vontaining a number and output said number as an int.
my_printf: basic recreation of the printf function from the std lib in c
+ conversions: %d, %i, %s, %c, %p, %f, %F, %E, %e, %X, %x, %o, %u, + len modifiers: h, l + flags: +, #
my_int_to_str: takes an number and output said number as a string.
my_revert: reverts a given string. (found in int_to_str.c file)
my_strcat: concatenates two strings.
my_strncat: concatenates x chars from a string with another.
my_strdup: duplicates a string into another.
my_strlen: finds the length of a string.
my_strcpy: copis a string into another.
my_strcmp: compares two strings || different from the original strcmp -> this function returns false if both strings are different and true if they are the same.
how_many_rows: given a string that represents any kind of rectangle, count how manys rows there are.
read_file: reads a file and stores its content into an array.
str_to_float: takes a string an outputs the corresponding float. || doesn't use stdio lib
str_to_float_lib: takes a string and returns the corresponding float. || uses of stdio lib
my_str_to_word_array: takes a string and a delimiter and outputs the corresponding array.
my_bin_to_dec: takes a binary number and returns the corresponding decimal number.
my_memset: takes a string and fills it with '0'.
formatting: takes a string a removes every unnecessary spaces or tabs.
how_many: takes a string and a character and returns how many times said char appears in the string.
get_line: takes an array and a number and returns the string located at said position in the array.
my_arrcpy: takes an array and copies it into another one.
my_free_arr: frees an array.