An inventory management system using Flask
Clone this repository and set your path to it's folder, to get it up and running on your local system.
git clone
cd Inventory-Manager
- System Summary
- Running the app
- Features
- Built Using
- License
To run this system you will need :
- Python 3
- Flask
- WTForms
Assuming you have Python, proceed to install the rest using the command below:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This system is built to simulate a warehouse environment and handles balancing quantities over warehouses. It has 4 main views including Overview,Products,Locations and Transfers. Products and Locations let you add,edit and delete entries from the system. Transfers lets you move items into the central warehouse, out of the central warehouse; also to and from various locations.It also displays transfer history. Overview will display products,warehouses and their respective balanced quantities.
- Set your current path to where the cloned folder is and run the file
- Either copy paste the url as shown above into your browser or simply check into localhost:5000/ as shown below. You will see the initial views of each page as no actions are performed.
Products require product name and quantity to be filled. Location only requires location name
Deleting only requires a button click, although the transfers(if any) will remain in the history.
Here products can be moved to a location, from a location as well as to and from a location. Products need to initially be added to various locations from the central warehouse.
Change in product or loaction name creates changes in their names in the history and system overview.So, you can rectify a spelling error and still not loose any data.
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details