Create Jupyter widgets from a Vue CLI project.
Examples: ipyvuelink-example-1 ,2 and 3. See example 4 for a project with multiple widgets.
$ conda create --name my-env -c conda-forge python pip jupyterlab ipywidgets pyyaml nodejs yarn
$ conda activate my-env
# For Jupyter Lab:
(my-env)$ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
- Add
to the root of your Vue CLI project:
# Name of the extension. This will turn into ipymyextension for the python part and jupyter-myextension for the
# javascript part.
extension_name: myextension
# Entry point for ipyvuelink. This also supports multiple components when using an .js file with exports for
# these components, e.g: "export { default as Component2 } from './components/component2'" for component2.vue etc.
entry: components/mycomponent.vue
# Different workarounds are necessary to make Vuetify or BootstrapVue work inside a notebook.
# vuetify | bootstrapvue
component_library_used: vuetify
# Components which are exposed.
Mycomponent: # name(s) of the components(s) configured in the entry property above.
# name: type.
# - name in snake_case
# - type: String | Integer | Float | Boolean | Object | Array | Any
myprop: Object # name(s) of the props(s) to be exposed.
anotherprop: ...
- Add ipyvuelink as git submodule to the root of your Vue CLI project:
$ git submodule add
- Note: when cloning or pulling from github, run
$ git submodule update --init
- Note: when cloning or pulling from github, run
- Modify your vue components
- Accept the properties configured in
, e.g.:props: { myprop: Object }
. - Communicate changes by emitting an event with the name of the prop, e.g.:
$emit('myprop', ...)
- Accept the properties configured in
(my-env)$ ipyvuelink/cli dev-install-extension
Also run this command when ipyvuelink.yaml or the submodule ipyvuelink has changed.
- In terminal 1:
(my-env)$ yarn serve
- In terminal 2:
(my-env)$ ipyvuelink/cli watch-vue-project
- In terminal 4:
(my-env)$ ipyvuelink/cli watch-extension
- In terminal 3:
(my-env)$ jupyter notebook yourNotebook.ipynb
(or(ipyvuelink-env)$ jupyter lab yourNotebook.ipynb --watch
for Lab) - Change code
- See changes in the hot reloaded app on
- Goto 5 until ready to test in notebook
- Refresh the page and see changes in the notebook on
for Lab) - Goto 4
- Bump version in package.json
- publish online
- Run
(my-env)$ ipyvuelink/cli release-pypi
to release on PyPI - Run
(my-env)$ ipyvuelink/cli release-npm
to release on NPM
- Run
- OR publish local
- Run
(my-env)$ ipyvuelink/cli release-local
to publish extension locally as a pip package with file name [extension_name]-[version].tar.gz (javascript included)
- Run