Laravel-blogger is simple, easy-to-start blog platform powered by laravel framework, heavily inspired by Canvas blogging platform.
Current technologies include:
- Semantic UI
- JQuery - Lazy Load
- TinyMCE
- Scout
- ElasticSearch driver for full text-searching
- Filemanager-Laravel
- Laravel-Socialite
- Powered by Laravel 5.
Server Requirements Before you proceed make sure your server meets the following requirements:
Composer PHP >= 7.0 PHP extensions (PDO, SQLite, OpenSSL, Mbstring, Tokenizer) PDO compliant database (SQL / MySQL / PostgreSQL / SQLite)
- Two ways of downloading a project
- use github to clone a project:
git clone
- use a packagist:
composer create-project mariocoski/laravel-blogger
Go to the root of your project and run
composer install
npm install
to install all front end dependencies -
to compile all the assets -
php artisan vendor:publish
to publish all vendor files -
Make sure your storage and bootstrap have right permissions:
sudo chmod -R 777 ./storage ./bootstrap
Make sure you have an env file copied
cp .env.example .env
Install Elastic Search on your server by running shell script
or following online solutions like: Digital Ocean -
php artisan blogger:install
to finish up the installation
Laravel-blogger is an MIT-licensed open source project available for free to download. All contribution are welcomed!
Laravel-Blogger is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
- Fully featured dashboard for admin and editor
- Easy to manage articles section
- The most powerfull markdown editor - TinyMce
- Fully featured media manager allows you to upload your images
- Advanced settings section helps you to control your SEO, Google Analytics and Disqus Comments
- Amazing, blazing fast full-text searching with Elastic Search
- Responsive Layout