Check the amazon Price of an item and email you if the price is bellow a certain level
- You should have chrome installed in your computer
- You should downlaod chrome driver matching the version of chrome you have installed on your computer
- First you should write the email you will be using to send an email from with the password or the 2 way authentication in the following line
server.login('email', 'password/2wayAuthentication')
- You should write the email you will be using the send an email and the one you will be using to receive an email from in the following line
server.sendmail("email to send","email to receive",msg)
- Change the path of the chrome driver and add the path of it location in the following line
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="D:/python project/chromedriver.exe", options=options)
- You should add the URL of the item you want to track in the following line
URL = ""
- Change the price limit to be notify with in the following line
Price = 200
Mario Khoury, Beirut Lebanon