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GitHub Action

Application Insights Annotate


Application Insights Annotate


Application Insights Annotate

Collect run metadata and publish a deployment annotation to Application Insights to track deployments


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Application Insights Annotate

uses: ChristopheLav/appinsights-annotate@v1.1.0

Learn more about this action in ChristopheLav/appinsights-annotate

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Application Insights Annotate action

Build and Checks Test

This action collect run metadata and publish a deployment annotation to Application Insights that allow to track deployments.

You need to set an annotation name, but the extension also publish automatically these properties:

  • ServerUrl with value of ${{ github.server_url }}
  • Repository with value of ${{ github.repository }}
  • Workflow with value of ${{ github.workflow }}
  • RunId with value of ${{ github.run_id }}
  • RunNumber with value of ${{ github.run_number }}
  • Branch with value of ${{ github.ref_name }}
  • SHA with value of ${{ github.sha }}
  • By with value of ${{ }}
  • Message with value of ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}

Example of a deployment annotation

What's new

Refer here to the changelog.


An API needs to be generated from the API Access tab on the Azure Portal with the permission Write annotations.

It is recommended to put the API Key into a GitHub secret to prevent clear value in your workflow.


- uses: ChristopheLav/appinsights-annotate@v1
    # The `Application ID` of the Application Insights resource (available in the
    # Azure Portal under `API Access`).
    app-id: ''

    # The API Key of the Application Insights resource. You can create an API Key in
    # the Azure Portal under `API Access` (`Wite annotations` permission is required).
    api-key: ''

    # Name of your deployment. You can set the version number or use the value
    # `github.event.head_commit.message` to set the last commit message.
    name: ''

    # Allows to treat error as warning to prevent worlflow failure. It is may not
    # important in some cases if the annotation can not be created.
    # Default: false
    treat-error-as-warning: false


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License