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GitHub Action

Get Next Version (PR)


Get Next Version (PR)


Get Next Version (PR)

Bump versions with the help of semantic versioning and pull requests labels


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Get Next Version (PR)

uses: MiguelRipoll23/get-next-version@v1.8.0

Learn more about this action in MiguelRipoll23/get-next-version

Choose a version


Generate tag names with the help of semantic versioning and pull requests labels.

Latest tag name: v1.0.0
Merged pull requests (4)
✨ Add feature requested way too many times
🚫 Update developer dependency
🛠️ Fix severe bug found after decades
🚫 Improve code formatter
New tag name: v1.1.0

Voilà! That's your new tag name just for you.


  name: Update version name
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    contents: write
    pull-requests: write

  - name: Generate tag name
    uses: MiguelRipoll23/generate-tag-name@v1.8.0
    id: generate-tag-name
      major-labels: breaking-change
      minor-labels: feature,enhancement
      patch-labels: bugfix

  - name: Update version name
    uses: reedyuk/npm-version@1.2.1
      version: ${{ steps.generate-tag-name.outputs.tag-name }}

  - name: Create pull request
    uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
      branch: version/${{ steps.generate-tag-name.outputs.tag-name }}
      commit-message: ${{ steps.generate-tag-name.outputs.tag-name }}
      title: Bump version to ${{ steps.generate-tag-name.outputs.tag-name }}
      body: Automated pull request triggered by a new version update.
      labels: new-release,ignore-for-release
      draft: true

See the examples/ directory for complete examples!


Name Description Default
github-token Token from GitHub Actions or a Personal Access Token. github.token
channel Target channel (alpha/beta/stable/custom) of the version. stable
new-build-for-prerelease Create a new build if version name contains a prerelease identifier. true
pull_requests_base_branch Base branch used during pull requests search. github.ref
major-labels Comma separated list of labels for major releases. breaking-change
minor-labels Comma separated list of labels for minor releases. feature,enhancement
patch-labels Comma separated list of labels for patch releases. bugfix


Name Description
tag-name New generated tag name to use for your next version.


Any feedback or contributions to this repository are welcome! Please open an issue or a pull request describing your suggestions along your use case.