Pizza place is the solution to a new kind of food delivery/collection business; the artisan micro-seller. These businesses focus on simplicity, are usually the work of one person and put a lot of work into creating a small output of super high quality products, which in turn creates a very high demand. There is minimal customisation available for the customer (no different sizes, minimal topping options) due to time constraints on the service provider.
To make sure they can prepare correctly for their customers the process for ordering is a bit different to how a normal food delivery app/site would work because the delivery slot comes first. While the customer should be able to get an idea of what products are available they must always book a delivery slot before proceeding with an order. Thus creating demand for the delivery slot and getting a chance to try the food and also demand for the food itself.
These businesses typically only work a few days a week and release all their delivery slots on one day, due to the small number of slots these typically sell out quite quickly if they have done their social media marketing correctly! The Pizza project aims to create an app/site which creates a simple and elegant solution to this situation.
Access the live project here
As a | I want to be able to | So that I can |
Customer | View list of available delivery slots | Book a time that suits me |
Customer | View list of available menu items | Order some food |
Customer | See a list of the ingredients and prices | Narrow down my menu choice |
As a | I want to be able to | So that I can |
User | Register for an account | See my Order History and save my personal information |
User | Receive email confirmations | See if my registration has been successful |
User | Log in easily | Aee my order history and see/update my personal details |
User | Recover access to my account if I forget my password | Retreive my information |
As a | I want to be able to | So that I can |
User | Sort a list of available menu items | See the menu items sorted by category |
Customer | Search by name for a specific menu item | Quickly find the one I want to purchase |
Customer | Add an item to basket as soon as I see it | Get to the checkout as soon as possible |
As a | I want to be able to | So that I can |
Customer | Easily select the quantity of the item | Purchase the right quantity for my needs |
Customer | Make purchases easily using my credit or debit card | Just think about my food after I have ordered |
Customer | View summary of my order before completing my purchase | Make sure I have selected the right items |
User | Get an email confirming my purchase | See the process has worked correctly |
As a | I want to be able to | So that I can |
Site Owner | Let customers see the menu even if this week is sold out | Let them see what they are missing and create demand for next week |
Site Owner | Allow customers to book a time slot for delivery | Make sure I have the order ready for that time |
Site Owner | Create, read, update or delete menu items | Easily manage the items on the menu |
Site Owner | Create, read, update or delete timeslots and timeslot information | To give me control over opening times and slots and increase my flexibility |
Site Owner | See a record of the order history sort by date | Check previous orders to make sure they are correct |
Noto sans jp for the logo for a clean bold style. Montserrat for the body for contrast but still an easily readble sans-serif style.
Colour scheme was taken from the cartoon pizza image and analysed using the Coolors site to find the exact colour matches. Cream was chosen as the main background colour dues to it's contrast with the mainly black body text. This was done to enhance user experience for visually impaired users.
- Easily navigate the website on all screens and use it to search for products.
- To show relevant customer information that whould be availabel on all screens.
Timeslot App
- For Users to select and find information on timeslots if available.
- For Admins to be able to create, read, update and delete timeslots.
- User feedback success message displayed when timeslot is booked.
Menu App
- For users to select and find information on menu items if available.
- For admins to be able to create, read, update and delete timeslots.
- Users can get detailed information about menu items and choose quantity by clicking on the item image.
- User feedback success message displayed when item added to cart.
Cart App
- For users to be able to see items in their shopping cart, check them and make amendments before moving to checkout.
- Actions give the user suitable feedback.
Checkout App
- For users to be able to put in their details for delivery and if logged in to be able to save these details.
- To get a brief summary for the their order and timeslot.
- Payment information so they can pay for their order.
- To see relevant user feedback if they have successfully processed an order or if there are any errors.
- API for looking up address from just postcode
- Login via social media
- An option to collect the order rather than have it delivered
- The ability to sign up for alerts when time slots are released
- For the user to have more than 1 address
Django An amazingly powerful framework on which the project is built. It has been love at first sight.
HTML5 for the structure of the website
CSS 3 for the look of the website
Python 3 Language to write code for data manipulation at the back end of the app within the flask framework.
Bootstrap 4 website framework with html, css and javascript.
Fontawesome for icons.
Javascript for the logic of the game. To manipulate the HTML and CSS on the screen.
jQuery to manipulate the HTML and CSS on the screen.
JShint to validate javscript code.
Coolors for help with colours and colours scheme
Webformatter for formatting HTML, CSS and javascript code.
Asana for project management
Balsamiq Wireframes for creating Wireframes for initial visual development
Gitpod for writing and testing code.
GitHub for storing code.
Crispy Forms for quick easy forms based on user models.
Boto3 to configure amazon web services s3 bucket.
Dj Database URL to create a dictionary of the database info
Stripe for making debit and credit card payments on the site.
Psychopg postgresql driver used in deployment.
Green Unicorn as a python wsgi http server.
Google Fonts for fonts used in the project.
Google Chrome Development Tools for testing code on various device sizes during development and debugging.
Amazon Web Services S3 for cloud based static files.
Google Lighthouse for testing code health, accessibility, speed and search engine optimisation.
Name | Field Type | Validation |
order_number | CharField | max_length=32, null=False, editable=False |
user_profile | ForeignKey | on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders' |
full_name | CharField | max_length=50, null=False, blank=False |
street_address1 | CharField | max_length=80, null=False, blank=False |
street_address2 | CharField | max_length=80, null=True, blank=True |
town_or_city | CharField | max_length=40, null=False, blank=False |
county | CharField | max_length=80, null=True, blank=True |
postcode | CharField | max_length=20, null=False, blank=False, default='XXX XXX' |
EmailField | max_length=254, null=False, blank=False | |
delivery_info | CharField | max_length=256, null=True, blank=True |
timeslot | ForeignKey | on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, editable=False |
phone_number | CharField | max_length=20, null=False, blank=False |
date | DateTimeField | auto_now_add=True |
delivery_cost | DecimalField | max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 |
order_total | DecimalField | max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 |
grand_total | DecimalField | max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 |
original_cart | TextField | null=False, blank=False, default='' |
stripe_pid | CharField | max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default='' |
Name | Field Type | Validation |
order | ForeignKey | null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lineitems' |
item | ForeignKey | null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE |
quantity | IntegerField | null=False, blank=False, default=0 |
lineitem_total | DecimalField | max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False |
Name | Field Type | Validation |
name | CharField | max_length=254 |
friendly_name | CharField | max_length=254, blank=True, null=True |
Name | Field Type | Validation |
name | CharField | max_length=254 |
friendly_name | CharField | max_length=254, blank=True, null=True |
Name | Field Type | Validation |
category | ForeignKey | max_length=254, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL |
name | CharField | max_length=254 |
description | TextField | max_length=254, blank=True, null=True |
price | DecimalField | max_digits=6, decimal_places=2 |
image_url | URLField | max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True |
image | ImageField | null=True, blank=True |
spicy | BooleanField | null=True, blank=True |
vegetarian | BooleanField | null=True, blank=True |
allergens | ManyToManyField | blank=True |
The model used was the Django standard user model from django.contrib.auth.models
Name | Field Type | Validation |
user | OneToOneField | User, on_delete=models.CASCADE |
default_full_name | CharField | max_length=20, null=True, blank=True |
default_street_address1 | CharField | max_length=80, null=True, blank=True |
default_street_address2 | CharField | max_length=80, null=True, blank=True |
default_town_or_city | CharField | max_length=40, null=True, blank=True |
default_county | CharField | max_length=80, null=True, blank=True |
default_postcode | CharField | max_length=20, null=True, blank=True |
default_phone_number | CharField | max_length=20, null=True, blank=True |
Name | Field Type | Validation |
name | Charfield | max_length=32 |
date | Datefield | null=True, blank=True |
Name | Field Type | Validation |
day | ForeignKey | null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE |
start_time | TimeField | null=True, help_text= Time Format |
end_time | TimeField | null=True, help_text= Time Format |
available_slots | PositiveSmallIntegerField | null=True, min value = 0, max value = 10 |
Data Schema
See separate testing file here
Ensure that you have an IDE of your choice installed:
- An example is Visual Studio Code, which was used for the development of this project
Ensure that the following is installed on your machine.
Please click the links below for documentation on how to set up the following requirements and retrieve the necessary environment variables.
- Python 3 as the site's backend is written in Python
- PIP for installing Python packages
- Git for version control
You will also need to create free accounts with the following services:
Using Git, clone the repository as follows.
git clone
Open your preferred IDE and open a terminal session
Using a virtual environment is recommended. virtualenv can be installed as follows:
pip3 install virtualenv
Create and navigate to a project folder of your choice
Create a virtual environment using the following command:
virtualenv venv
Activate your virtual environment as follows:
source venv/bin/activate
Install all required modules with the following command:
pip3 -r requirements.txt
Set up the required environment variables
- Create a file called
in the root directory of your project and open it your IDE for editing - In the
file, set your environment variables as follows:
import os os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "<your secret key here>" os.environ["STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = "<your key here>" os.environ["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] = "<your key here>" os.environ["STRIPE_WH_SECRET"] = "<your key here>" os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "True"
NOTE: Ensure that the filename
is added to the.gitignore
file in your project's root directory. Instructions on how to set up a postgres database are found in the heroku deployment information below. - Create a file called
Ensure that your virtual environment is activated using the command in step 6
From the terminal in your IDE, migrate the database models to your database using the command:
python3 migrate
Load data into the database using the following commands:
python3 loaddata timeslot/fixtures/initial_data.json python3 loaddata menu/fixtures/initial_data.json
Create a super user to access the admin panel using the following command and follow the instructions:
python3 createsuperuser
Run the app locally using the following command:
python3 runserver
To access to the admin panel, add
to the end of the app's url in the browser and log in using your super user details. -
The app should now be running.
Github address for the project:
Log in to or create a Heroku account and create a new app by clicking ‘New’ then ‘Create New App’ then choose a name and the relevant region for the app.
Click on the resources tab and in the search bar type heroku postgres, select this add-on and makes sure it is using the the free plan and click on provision. This provides a database for the app to use.
Use the command below to apply migrations to the new database:
python3 migrate
You can manually add database records in the site admin on the site itself or django admin. Just follow the below command to add a superuser and follow the instructions on the command line. Then once all other deployment steps are done login in at the site address /admin or on the site itself and use the site admin tab.
python3 createsuperuser
n.b. Even if you use the fixtures instead of manually adding records it is important that you create a superuser as you will still need this.
If you want to now use the fixtures to load the data using the commands below:
python3 loaddata timeslot/fixtures/initial_data.json python3 loaddata menu/fixtures/initial_data.json
Make sure the app web address is in 'ALLOWED HOSTS' in in the project folder and push to git.
On the Heroku app page click the ‘Settings’ tab and then the ‘Reveal Config Vars’ button and the following variables need to be set as key value pairs:
NOTE: Wherever text is surrounded by <> (angle brackets), you will need to provide your own values without the angle brackets as determined by your Stripe account, mail server, secret key, AWS etc.
Key Value AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <"your key here"> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <"your key here"> AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME <"your bucket name here"> DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL <"the email address you'd like the email to be sent from, e.g. "> DEVELOPMENT "False" EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD <"your app password as generated by Gmail for example"> EMAIL_HOST_USER <"your email address that is used to send emails"> SECRET_KEY <"your key here"> STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY <"your key here"> STRIPE_SECRET_KEY <"your key here"> STRIPE_WH_SECRET <"your key here"> USE_AWS "True" -
Click the ‘Deploy’ tab and in the ‘Deployment Method’ section select GitHub then search for markj0hnst0n/pizza-delivery-place by markj0hnst0n.
In the ‘Automatic deploys’ section click on the ‘Enable Automatic Deploys’ button the in the ‘Manual deploy’ section click the ‘Deploy Branch’ button as long as ‘master’ is the selected branch.
Once the app has been successfully built you should receive a message saying ‘Your app was successfully deployed’ you can then click on the ‘View’ button or the ‘Open app’ button at the top of the page to go to the deployed app.
Written content by Mark Johnston.
Stripe payments js and functionality from
Background cartoon pizza images from pngtree used with permission.
Pizza images from piguyni used with permission.
Sides images from pixabay used with permission.
Dessert images from fruitshop used with permission.
Drink images from dominos
Dominos website:
Pizza Loader code from:
JS Timer in minutes and seconds from:
Thanks to the following people for making the project happen:
- My truly great mentor Can Suncullu for his advice, patience and motivation.
- The Code Institute Slack Community with special thanks to the gentleman Thomas Muat.
- The Code Institute tutors and instructional material. Especially tutors Igor and Jo.
- My Wife Joanna Johnston for her (constructive) criticism and understanding when I lock myself away in the attic for hours on end
This site is intended for educational purposes only, and is not intended for use in any other capacity.