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A zero configuration, non-distributed NoSQL key-value store that runs in any Servlet 3.0 compatible container.


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A zero configuration, non-distributed NoSQL key-value store that runs in any Servlet 3.0 compatible container.

Sometimes you just need fast NoSQL storage, but don't need full redundancy and scalability (that's right, localhost will do just fine). With Havalo-KVS, simply drop havalo-kvs.war into your favorite Servlet 3.0 compatible container and with almost no configuration you'll have access to a fast and lightweight K,V store backed by any local mount point for persistent storage. And, Havalo-KVS has a pleasantly simple RESTful API for your added enjoyment.

Havalo-KVS is perfect for testing, maintaining fast indexes of data stored "elsewhere", and almost any other deployment scenario where relational databases are just too heavy.

See the Releases page for the latest version.

Written in Java 8, for a Java 8 compatible JVM.


  • Zero Configuration – Drop havalo-kvs.war into your Servlet 3.0 compatible container, and get local NoSQL storage with nothing else to install — Havalo-KVS is built to run alongside your exsting applications. For a slightly more secure deployment, create one .conf file with the right magic inside and place it in your Servlet container's default configuration directory.

  • In-Memory Locking – Completely avoids relying on the filesystem to manage resource locking. As a result, Havalo-KVS manages all locks on objects and repositories in local memory. As such, Havalo-KVS behaves the same on ext3, ext4, NTFS, NFS Plus, etc. No matter where you deploy Havalo-KVS, you can trust it will do the right thing.

  • In-Memory Indexing – Searchable object indexes are held in memory and flushed to disk as needed. The size of your object indexes are only limited by the amount of memory available to your Servlet container JVM.

  • Trusted Stack – Written in Java, built around raw asynchronous Servlet's with no "bloated frameworks" to get in the way. Deployable in any Servlet 3.0 compatible container. Fully tested and qualified on Tomcat 7, Tomcat 8, Jetty 8, and Jetty 9.

  • RESTful API – Havalo-KVS offers a simple RESTful API that just makes perfect sense. All API responses are in pure JSON — no XML, anywhere.

  • ETag and If-Match Support – All objects are stored with an automatically generated SHA-1 ETag hash of the binary object data. As such, subsequent update operations on that object can be conditional if desired. In slightly more technical terms, accept a PUT for an object only if the SHA-1 hash sent with the If-Match HTTP request header matches the existing object ETag hash.

  • Havalo-KVS Client – A Java client for the Havalo-KVS API is available off-the-shelf as provided by the havalo-kvs-client project. If you'd rather not use the provided Java client, it's straightforward to write a client for the Havalo-KVS API in a language of your choice.


Havalo-KVS is confirmed to work with the following containers:

Servlet Engine Container  
Servlet 3.0 Tomcat 8*
Tomcat 7*
Jetty 8
Jetty 9

* if deploying Havalo-KVS inside of Tomcat 7/8, see note below with regards to URL encoded slashes.

NOTE: may work with other containers, such as Weblogic or Websphere, but these have not been tested.

Using Havalo-KVS with Tomcat 7/8

By default, Tomcat 7 and 8 do not accept URI's that contain a URL encoded slash (%2F) — incoming request URI's that contain a %2F in them are immediately rejected with a 400 Bad Request. This behavior appears to be specific to Tomcat.

Therefore, if you intend to use Havalo-KVS with Tomcat 7 or 8, you must add the following to your CATALINA_OPTS environment variable in bin/



Havalo-KVS is not an off-the-shelf replacement for Amazon S3, Redis, Voldemort or Apache's Cassandra. If you need completely fault-tolerant, distributed K,V storage then Havalo-KVS is probably not for you.


Deploying Havalo-KVS into your environment is a snap.

You have two deployment options:

  1. Default – Drop the Havalo-KVS .war file into your Servlet container's webapps directory, and away you go. No JVM restart is needed unless required by your container.
  2. Custom – Create a custom havalo-kvs.conf file and place it into your Servlet container's conf directory. Then, drop the Havalo-KVS .war file into your Servlet container's webapps directory. Note, if you are using the Tomcat Manager to deploy and manage your applications in Tomcat, you can also deploy the Havalo-KVS .war using the Tomcat Manager interface.


If desired, Havalo-KVS supports "hot deployment" which allows you to deploy or undeploy the application without stopping your Servlet container.

  1. Download the latest version of Havalo-KVS. This is a .war file you will drop into your Servlet container.
  2. Copy the .war file into your Servlet container's webapps directory.
  3. Start your Servlet container, if not already running.


Havalo-KVS is configured using the HOCON configuration format provided by the Typesafe Config library. Read more about HOCON and its similarities to JSON here.

The Havalo-KVS default configuration file, application.conf, is shipped inside of the Havalo-KVS .war file. To override any of these configuration properties, simply drop a file named havalo-kvs.conf into your Servlet container's conf directory. For example, if running Havalo-KVS inside of Tomcat, drop your custom havalo-kvs.conf into $CATALINA_HOME/conf before deploying havalo-kvs.war.

Finally, note you only need to override the configuration properties you want to change. For example, if you only want to override the location on disk where Havalo-KVS stores its repositories and objects, create a havalo-kvs.conf file that looks like this:

havalo {
  api {
    admin.uuid = "your admin UUID goes here"
    admin.secret = "your admin API secret goes here"
  repository {
    base = "/path/to/your/havalo/root"

For a complete list of configurable properties and their description, see the Havalo-KVS default application.conf.


If you plan to use Havalo-KVS in a real production environment exposed to the world, you should be sure to change the havalo.api.admin.uuid and havalo.api.admin.secret configuration properties.

The havalo.api.admin.uuid and havalo.api.admin.secret configuration properties define the default administrator user credentials that are used to create/delete users and repositories. These should be set to something "unguessable" and unique to your environment before Havalo-KVS deployment.


There are a few fundamental constructs to be aware of when using Havalo-KVS and its API.

  • Repositories – Logical containers that hold objects. You can think of repositories as a directory on disk that holds a bunch of files. Each Havalo-KVS "user" you create is assigned a unique repository identified under-the-hood by a UUID — that user, once authenticated, can do whatever they want inside of their repository. Note that the user-to-repository relationship is 1:1, meaning creating a repository is equivalent to creating a user, and deleting a repository is equivalent to deleting a user.

  • Objects – A blob of binary data. Objects are anything you want up to a reasonable maximum of 2GB. Using the Havalo-KVS API, you can attach pieces of arbitrary metadata to an object — sent to the API in the Content-Type and ETag HTTP request headers. If a Content-Type is sent with an object to the API, that same Content-Type is sent back to the client when the object is retrieved.


Havalo-KVS provides a completely RESTful API that lets users PUT objects, GET objects, and DELETE objects in their repositories. Additionally, administrator level users can also POST (create) repositories and DELETE repositories.


When you create a new repository, you're also creating a new user by default. Again, note that the user-to-repository relationship is 1:1 — every user maps to a single repository and vice-versa.

On creation, every user is given a key-pair which consists of a unique UUID, and a randomly generated base-64 URL-safe encoded secret.

public final class KeyPair {
  private final UUID key_;
  private final String secret_;

This key-pair is used to generate the right authentication token for the Havalo-KVS API.


Authentication credentials are passed to the Havalo-KVS API in the Authorization HTTP request header. The required format of the Authorization HTTP request header is as follows:

Authorization: Havalo RepositoryUUID:Signature

Note the repository UUID is a randomly generated UUID that uniquely represents the user and their repository.

Request Signing

The authorization Signature is the result of the following logical function.

Base64( HMAC-SHA256( UTF-8-Encoding-Of( RepositoryUUID, StringToSign ) ) )

And, StringToSign is the result of the following logical function.

HTTP-Verb ("GET", "PUT", "POST", or "DELETE") + "\n" +
RFC-822 Formatted Date (as sent with 'Date' request header, required) + "\n" +
Content-Type (from 'Content-Type' request header, optional) + "\n" +
CanonicalizedResource (the part of this request's URL from
  the protocol name up to the query string in the first line
  of the HTTP request)

And lastly, CanonicalizedResource is nothing more than just the "raw path" of the request.

If you're using HttpClient 4.x, the "raw path" is:

final HttpGet request = new HttpGet();
final String canonicalizedResource = request.getURI().getRawPath();

Or, if you're thinking about the CanonicalizedResource in context of an HttpServletRequest it is:

final String canonicalizedResource = request.getRequestURI();

Note your HMAC-SHA256 signer should be initialized with the key-pair secret. In Java, this signer is usually an instance of javax.crypto.Mac.

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public static final Mac getHmacSHA256Instance(final KeyPair kp) {
  final Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
  mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(kp.getSecret().getBytes("UTF-8")), "HmacSHA256");
  return mac;

See in the havalo-kvs-client package for a complete example of wiring together real HMAC-SHA256 signer.

Working with Repositories

Only the default administrator of the Havalo-KVS application can create and delete repositories.

Create a Repository

Create a new repository, and its corresponding owner (user).


Delete a Repository

Delete a repository, and its corresponding owner (user).


List Objects in Repository

List all objects in repository, or list only objects in repository that start with a given prefix.


Working with Objects

PUT an Object

Upload (PUT) an object.


GET an Object

Retrieve (GET) an object.


DELETE an Object

Delete an object.


Building and Running


You can download the latest version of Havalo-KVS on the Havalo-KVS download page.

Build from Source

Havalo-KVS is built and managed using Maven.

To clone and build this project, you must have Maven installed and configured.

To build, clone the repository.

#~> git clone git://

Run mvn package from within your newly cloned havalo-kvs directory to compile and build a deployable WAR.

#~> cd havalo-kvs
#~/havalo-kvs> mvn package 

To start the local Servlet container, run mvn jetty:run. By default the server listens on port 8080.

#~/havalo-kvs> mvn jetty:run

In your nearest web-browser, visit http://localhost:8080/havalo-kvs and you should see the Havalo-KVS application homepage — it's a plain page that says Havalo-KVS. When running locally, the Havalo-KVS API endpoint can be found at http://localhost:8080/havalo-kvs/api.


Copyright (c) 2015 Mark S. Kolich

All code in this project is freely available for use and redistribution under the MIT License.

See LICENSE for details.


A zero configuration, non-distributed NoSQL key-value store that runs in any Servlet 3.0 compatible container.







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