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TodoMVC - Marko Widgets


This variation of the TodoMVC sample app illustrates a new web application architecture for building high performance, isomorphic webapps using the following technologies:

  • Marko - View rendering using HTML-based templates
  • Marko Widgets - Binding client-side behavior to rendered UI components
  • Lasso.js - JavaScript and CSS bundling

For this application we introduce the State App View (SAV) architectural design pattern to create an application that is easier to maintain and test.

This sample app illustrates the following:

  • How structure an application based on the SAV architecture
  • How to build isomorphic UI components using Marko and Marko Widgets
  • How to render the initial page on the server and render updates to the page in the browser
  • How to build isomorphic services
  • How to synchronize client-side state with server-side state
  • How to build a web server using Express
  • How to automatically bundle JS and CSS without a build step using Lasso.js
  • How to write unit tests for UI components

Get Started

git clone
cd todomvc-marko
npm install
node server.js

The SAV Architecture

The State App View (SAV) architecture puts emphasis on separating out application logic and application state from the view. In addition, the SAV architecture describes how client-side widgets interact with the application to change application state. The following diagram illustrates the SAV architecture:

SAV Architecture Diagram

The following are characteristics of an application that adopts the SAV architecture:

  • An application's view is a pure function of application state
  • Application logic and state is completely independent of the view
  • Apps are usually singletons (only one instance of the app will be created)
  • App instances manage and hold a reference to their application state
  • Widgets interact directly with app instances

The App

With the SAV architecture, the App is like a controller. The App maintains an internal application state object and the App exposes action methods that can be called by Widgets to modify the internal application state. A simplified implementation of the TodoApp is shown below:

function TodoApp(state) {
    var self = this;

    // Create a wrapper around the state object to normalize the
    // state and to track changes to the state. The TodoAppState
    // class extends EventEmitter and the "change" event is
    // emitted any time one of the state properties changes.
    this.state = new TodoAppState(state);

    // When the internal state changes also emit a change event on
    // the app and pass along the updated state.
    this.state.on('change', function () {
        self.emit('change', self.state);

TodoApp.prototype = {
     * Change the active todo filter
     * @param {String} filter The enabled filter (either "all", "active" or "completed")
    setFilter: function(filter) {
        // Modify the internal state when the filter changes
        this.state.set('filter', filter);

    setTodoCompleted: function(todoId, completed) {
        var todoCollection = this.state.todoCollection;
        var todo = todoCollection.getTodo(todoId);
        if (todo && todo.completed !== completed) {

            // Modify the existing todo
            todo.completed = completed;

            // Rebuild the todo collection using the updated todo to trigger
            // a state change that will then result in the view being rerendered.
            this.state.set('todoCollection', new TodoCollection(todoCollection.getAllTodos()));

            // Now commit the updated todo to the backend database...
                    todoData: todo
                function(err) {
                    if (err) {
                        // At this point the view may be out-of-sync with the backend.
                        // The correct thing to do here is to resync with the server...

    // ...

// Inherit from EventEmitter so that the app can emit events and other
// objects can subscribe to events:
inherit(TodoApp, require('events').EventEmitter);

module.exports = TodoApp;

The App State

The TodoApp maintains an internal state object that is an instance of TodoAppState. The implementation of TodoAppState is shown below:

var inherit = require('raptor-util/inherit');
var TodoCollection = require('./TodoCollection');

function TodoAppState(state) {
    if (!state) {
        state = {};

    // Normalize the state based on the state object provided
    this.todoCollection = new TodoCollection(state.todos || []);
    this.filter = state.filter || 'all';
    this.editingTodoId = state.editingTodoId || null;
    this.editingTodoTitle = state.editingTodoTitle || null;

TodoAppState.prototype = {
     * Changes one of the state properties. If the provided
     * value is equal to the current value then nothing happens.
     * If the provided value is different then the state property
     * is updated and a "change" event is emitted.
     * @param {[type]} name  [description]
     * @param {[type]} value [description]
    set: function(name, value) {

        var curValue = this[name];

        if (curValue === value) {

        this[name] = value;


// Inherit from EventEmitter
inherit(TodoAppState, require('events').EventEmitter);

module.exports = TodoAppState;

The View

When rendered on the server, the todo app view is given the application state and that includes all the data that is needed to render the todo view. The application state is constructed in the page controller using the following code:

function todoStateProvider(callback) {
        function(err, result) {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err);

            var appState = new TodoAppState({
                todos: result.todos,
                filter: 'all'

            callback(null, appState);

The above code invokes the readAllTodos(args, callback) method that is exported by the todo service. Once the todos are asynchronously loaded, an instance of TodoAppState is created from the array of todo items and the default "all" filter and the resulting application state object is then passed to the template using the provided callback. The state object is passed to the top-level <app> UI component using the following code in the page template:

<async-fragment data-provider="data.todoStateProvider" var="appState">
    <section id="todoapp">
        <app state="appState"/>

The constructor for <app> widget includes the following code to automatically update the todo view when the application state changes:

var todoApp = require('src/app/todo');

module.exports = require('marko-widgets').defineComponent({
    // ...
    init: function() {
        var self = this;

        // Subscribe to the change state event. In response
        // to a state change event we will rerender the entire
        // app using the new state.
            .on('change', function(newState) {
                // Replacing the widget state with the new application
                // state will trigger the UI to update.

Project Struture








Isomorphic Services

Server-side Rendering

Architecture Diagram

UI Components







UI Pages


Future Work

  • Add support for users
  • Make application secure


Sample TodoMVC app built using Marko, Marko Widgets and Lasso.js






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