GbtLinuxFunc SDK is a C Library for GPIO/Watchdog function control under Ubuntu environment.
IPC/IOT Board | Digital IO Type | Watchdog Support |
GA-SBC4200 | 26-pin | Yes |
GA-SBC5005SE | None | Yes |
GA-IMB4100TN | 26-pin | Yes |
GA-IMB310TN | 10-pin | Yes |
GA-IMBLAP3450 | 26-pin | Yes |
GA-IMBLAP3350 | 26-pin | Yes |
GA-N3160TN | 26-pin | Yes |
GA-H110TN | 10-pin | Yes |
int GbtLinuxFuncDrv_Init();
void GbtLinuxFuncDrv_Uninit(int fd);
int DigitalIo_PinMode(int fd, int pin , int mode);
int DigitalIo_DigitalWrite(int fd, int pin,int value );
int DigitalIo_DigitalRead(int fd, int pin );
int WatchDog_Control(int fd, unsigned int interval,unsigned int AutoBeatEn); //0 : Disable , 1~255 unit in second
int WatchDog_Status(int fd, unsigned short *pTimeoutValue, unsigned short *pAutoBeatStatus);
int WatchDog_KeepAlive(int fd, unsigned short *pTimeoutValue, unsigned short *pAutoBeatStatus);
int DebugPort_Write(int fd, unsigned char value );
$ tree
├── BIOS
│ └── SBC5005SESD.F2b
├── Driver
│ ├── GbtLinuxFuncDrv.5.4.0-47-generic.ko
│ ├── GbtLinuxFuncDrv.5.4.0-48-generic.ko
│ ├── GbtLinuxFuncDrv.5.4.0-52-generic.ko
│ ├── GbtLinuxFuncDrv.5.4.0-53-generic.ko
│ ├── GbtLinuxFuncDrv.5.4.0-54-generic.ko
│ ├── GbtLinuxFuncDrv.5.4.0-56-generic.ko
│ ├──
│ └──
├── Examples
│ ├── debugporttst
│ ├── debugporttst.c
│ ├── digitalIotst
│ ├── digitalIotst.c
│ ├── GbtLinuxFunc.c
│ ├── GbtLinuxFunc.h
│ ├── GbtLinuxFunc.o
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── readme.txt
│ ├── speakerbeeptst
│ ├── speakerbeeptst.c
│ ├── watchdogtst30
│ ├── watchdogtst30.c
│ ├── watchdogtst
│ └── watchdogtst.c
└── [Gigabyte] GbtLinuxFunc API User Guide.pdf
$ cd Driver
$ sudo ./
If driver install success, you will see the following like-context.
filename: /home/mark/GbtLinuxFunc/GbtLinuxFunc_release/Driver/./GbtLinuxFuncDrv.5.4.0-47-generic.ko
version: 1.0.8
license: GPL
description: Gigabyte Embedded Board Linux Control Driver
author: Mark Tsai<><>
alias: wmi:DEADBEEF-2001-0000-00A0-C90629100000
alias: wmi:ABBC0F6F-8EA1-1459-00A0-C90629100000
srcversion: 5A50DD8C6A7CBD078732E94
alias: dmi*:rn*SBC5005*:
alias: dmi*:rn*SBC4200*:
alias: dmi*:rn*IMB4100TN*:
alias: dmi*:rn*IMB310TN*:
alias: dmi*:rn*IMBLAP3450*:
alias: dmi*:rn*IMBLAP3350*:
alias: dmi*:rn*N3160TN*:
alias: dmi*:rn*H110TN*:
depends: wmi
retpoline: Y
name: GbtLinuxFuncDrv
vermagic: 5.4.0-47-generic SMP mod_unload
GbtLinuxFuncDrv 16384 0
[74901.330051] GbtLinuxFuncDrv: GbtLinuxFunc module initial.
[74901.330053] Identified model 'GA-IMB310TN' ID=0xA0
[74901.330058] Force switch SIO mode from LPT to GPIO
[74901.330625] I got: 131072 bytes of memory
245 GbtLinuxFunc
crw------- 1 root root 245, 0 7月 21 13:00 /dev/GbtLinuxFunc
If driver install fail, you will see the following like-context.
Kernel 5.3.0-48-generic is not supported
Please contact Gigabyte Software RD (
$ cd Driver
$ sudo ./
If driver uninstall success, you will get context like as:
[74908.137850] GbtLinuxFuncdrv: Goodbye, GIGABYTE!
A watchdog timer (sometimes called a computer operating properly or COP timer, or simply a watchdog) is an electronic or software timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions.
$ sudo chmod +x
$ sudo ./watchdogtst
Current Timeout value is 0 secs, WDT is Disabled //before setting
Current Timeout value is 30 secs, WDT is Enabled //after setting
$ sudo ./
After 30 secs, System will be WDT reset......