Cryptography Repository to host self-implemented cipher algorithms
Affine Cipher implementation using C++
make && ./main
Fermat Test to test a big number if it's a prime number with Miracl
Library in C++.
Encryption of a letter x by a shift n can be described mathematically as En ( x ) = ( x + n ) mod 26
Use Chinese Remainder Theorem Algorithm to Solve Congruence Equations(big number) with Miracl
Library in C.
Diffie Hellman Algorithm implementation using with c
ElGamal Algorithm implementation with Miracl library using C
Hill Cioher encrypt and decrypt with Eigen Library.
You can download the library from gitlab and follow the link——Eigen
After extrat the zip, just copy the Eigen folder in the eigen-3.3.8 folder into your project place to test the program.
The OpenSource LZW Compress algorithm self-implementation in C++.
The officeal source code can be found on the offical website of LEW Compress.
Cryptography algorithm——Playfair Encryption, implemented with C++ STL Library.
Stream Cipher(RC4) implementation using C++