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Coda - Graceful Shutdown Manager for Go

Go Reference CI/CD Pipeline

Coda is a Go library that helps manage graceful shutdowns of concurrent applications. It provides a structured way to organize goroutines into groups with dependencies and ensures they shut down in the correct order.


  • Group-based goroutine management
  • Dependency-based shutdown ordering
  • Configurable timeouts and behavior
  • Flexible logging options
  • Error handling and propagation


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Quick Start

shutdown := coda.NewShutdown()

// Create groups
dbGroup := coda.Must(shutdown.NewGroup("database", nil))
workerGroup := coda.Must(shutdown.NewGroup("worker", []*coda.Group{dbGroup}))

// Add goroutines to groups
dbGroup.Go(func(ctx context.Context, ready func()) error {
	// Do startup work here
	// Wait for shutdown signal
	// Do tear down logic here
	return nil

// Wait for shutdown
err := shutdown.Wait()

Core Concepts

Shutdown Manager

The shutdown manager is the main coordinator that manages groups and their shutdown sequence. Create one using NewShutdown().


  • WithShutdownLogger(logger Logger) - Set a custom logger (default: NoopLogger)


Groups are collections of goroutines that should be shut down together. Groups can depend on other groups, creating a shutdown hierarchy.

Create groups using shutdown.NewGroup(name string, dependencies []*Group, opts ...GroupOption).

Group options:

  • WithGroupShutdownTimeout(duration) - Maximum time to wait for group shutdown (default: no timeout)


Add goroutines to groups using the Go() method. Each goroutine receives a context and a ready function.

group.Go(func(ctx context.Context, ready func()) error {
	// Do startup here

	// Signal readiness

	// Wait for shutdown

	// Do shutdown here

	return nil
}, opts...)

Goroutine options:

  • WithReadyTimeout(duration) - Maximum time to wait for ready signal (default: no timeout)
  • WithCrashOnReadyTimeoutHit(bool) - Stop everything if ready timeout is hit (default: true)
  • WithCrashOnError(bool) - Stop everything if goroutine returns error (default: true)
  • WithCrashOnEarlyStop(bool) - Stop everything if goroutine exits before shutdown (default: true)
  • WithBlock(bool) - Block until goroutine signals ready (default: false)


Multiple Groups with Dependencies

func Example() {
	sd := coda.NewShutdown(

	// Create groups with dependencies
	dbGroup := coda.Must(sd.NewGroup("database", nil,

	workerGroup := coda.Must(sd.NewGroup("workers", []*coda.Group{dbGroup},

	// Database connection
	dbGroup.Go(func(ctx context.Context, ready func()) error {
		db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "connection-string")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer db.Close()

		return nil
	}, coda.WithBlock(true))

	// Start multiple workers
	for workerID := range 3 {
		workerGroup.Go(func(ctx context.Context, ready func()) error {
			log.Printf("Worker %d starting", workerID)


			for {
				select {
				case <-ctx.Done():
					log.Printf("Worker %d shutting down", workerID)
					return nil
				case <-time.After(time.Second):
					// Do some work
					log.Printf("Worker %d processing", workerID)
		}, coda.WithBlock(true))

	serverGroup := coda.Must(sd.NewGroup("server", []*coda.Group{workerGroup, dbGroup}))
	serverGroup.Go(func(ctx context.Context, ready func()) error {

		mux := http.NewServeMux()
		srv := &http.Server{
			Addr:         ":8080",
			Handler:      mux,
			ReadTimeout:  5 * time.Second,
			WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,

		mux.HandleFunc("/demo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {

		go func() {

			shutdownCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.WithoutCancel(ctx), time.Second*30)
			defer cancel()

			if err := srv.Shutdown(shutdownCtx); err != nil {
				log.Printf("Failed to stop HTTP server gracefully: %v", err)

		if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
			return err
		return nil

	go func() {
		ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)

	if err := sd.Wait(); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Shutdown error: %v", err)

Error Handling

Errors can occur in several ways:

  • Goroutine returns an error
  • Ready timeout is hit
  • Goroutine stops early
  • Shutdown timeout is hit

Configure how these errors are handled using the appropriate options. Errors can either crash the entire shutdown process or be logged and ignored.


Coda supports custom logging through the Logger interface:

type Logger interface {
	Info(str string)
	Error(str string)

Built-in loggers:

  • NewNoopLogger() - Discards all logs (default)
  • NewStdLogger(logger *log.Logger) - Adapts standard library logger

Loggers available as external module:


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.