This action tests the dependabot.yml against the official JSON schema. It does not detect all invalid dependabot files as dependabot has extra validation beyond the JSON schema.
If you get a validation error when editing your config, you won't know if there's a problem until the next dependabot runs. Even if the cycle is long and the alarm is not set, it may be detected much later. This library allows you to find some problems in the PR stage.
name: dependabot validate
- '.github/dependabot.yml'
- '.github/workflows/dependabot-validate.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: marocchino/validate-dependabot@v3
id: validate
- uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
if: always()
header: validate-dependabot
message: ${{ steps.validate.outputs.markdown }}
Required path of config file. Default ".github/dependabot.yml"
Required display on success. Default "✅dependabot config looks good 👍"
Required display on failure. Default "🚫 dependabot errors"
response body as json string
errors as markdown table
Feel free to report issues. 😃