Simple python script that downloads publichd torrents for all the shows you are following on
From command line, run: [-h] [-d DATE] [-f FOLDER] [-u USERNAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATE, --date DATE Download shows that aired on that date (yyyy/mm/dd).
Default is today
-s START DATE, --start_date Download shows that aired from that date (yyyy/mm/dd) until --end_date
-e END_DATE, --end_date Download torrents that aired from --start_date until end_date. Default is today
-f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
Folder where the torrents will be downloaded.
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Username to log into pogdesign. Empty by default, so
it will download all the shows
You can store your credentials direclty on pd2torrent.conf, or you
can use -u argument to provide your username and password every time you launch it
Python 2.7
pip: requests, beautifulsoup4, guessit