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Kinetics of Xist-induced gene silencing can be predicted from combinations of epigenetic and genomic features

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Kinetics of Xist-induced gene silencing depend on combinations of epigenetic and genomic features

Published in Genome Research (2019)

PMID: 31175153


To initiate X Chromosome inactivation (XCI), the long non-coding RNA Xist mediates chromosome-wide gene silencing of one X Chromosome in female mammals to equalize gene dosage between the sexes. The efficiency of gene silencing is highly variable across genes, with some genes even escaping XCI in somatic cells. A gene’s susceptibility to Xist-mediated silencing appears to be determined by a complex interplay of epigenetic and genomic features; however, the underlying rules remain poorly understood. We have quantified chromosome-wide gene silencing kinetics at the level of the nascent transcriptome using allele-specific Precision nuclear Run-On sequencing (PRO-seq). We have developed a Random Forest machine learning model that can predict the measured silencing dynamics based on a large set of epigenetic and genomic features and tested its predictive power experimentally. The genomic distance to the Xist locus, followed by gene density and distance to LINE elements are the prime determinants of the speed of gene silencing. Moreover, we find two distinct gene classes associated with different silencing pathways: a class that requires Xist repeat A for silencing, which is known to activate the SPEN-pathway and a second cluster where genes are pre-marked by Polycomb complexes and tend to rely on the B repeat in Xist for silencing, known to recruit polycomb complexes during XCI. Moreover, a series of features associated with active transcriptional elongation and chromatin 3D structure are enriched at rapidly silenced genes. Our machine learning approach can thus uncover the complex combinatorial rules underlying gene silencing during X inactivation.

Structure of the repository

The repository has two main folder: data contains all data needed to perform the analysis done in the paper; scripts contains the analysis pipeline and is structured into four parts according to four main analysis steps, each analysis step is structured into a seperate folder:


This folder contains two scripts that are used to compute half-times for each gene.

  • fit_halftimes.R: computes half-times for the PRO-seq and mRNA-seq (undifferentiated and differentiated) data set; takes as input the allelic ratio from the PRO-seq/mRNA-seq experiment and the Gencode M9 gene annotation; this script was used to craete Figures 1D-F and 2A

  • fit_halftimes_pyrosequencing.R: computes half-times for the 11 pyrosequencing candidate genes; takes as input the list of candidate genes and the allelic ratios from the pyrosequencing experiment; it was used to create Figure 7A-B


This folder contains all scripts that were used to pre-process all chip-seq data sets.

  • this script maps chip-seq data to the given genome; takes as input a sra or fastq file; the path to the used tools as well as the genome assembly that should be used must be specified in the script; an example call is given in the header of the script

  • 2_plot_coverage.R: this script claculates the library coverage for a list of given chip-seq experiments; it takes as input the input directories for chip and control experiments as well as a metadata file where the chip-seq name (e.g. CTCF), the GEO number, file name of experiment and control are defined

  • 3_plot_fingerprints.R: this script produced the fingerprint plots (e.g. used to create Figure SF5) for each chip-seq data set; it takes as input the input directories for chip and control experiments as well as a metadata file where the chip-seq name (e.g. CTCF), the GEO number, file name of experiment and control are defined

  • 4_get_active_gene_promoter.R: this script assigns each gene its active TSS based on the overlap of a gene's TSS with a regulatory region (caculated as described in the manuscript); it takes as input a Gencode gene annotation and the file with the processed regulatory regions

  • 5_plot_heatmap_deepTools_control_vs_experiment.R: this script creates the deepTools heatmap plots (e.g. used to create Figure SF4/SF5); it takes as input a bed file with gene annotation, the input directories for chip and control experiments as well as a metadata file where the chip-seq name (e.g. CTCF), the GEO number, file name of experiment and control are defined; the plotting window (+/- x bp around the TSS) is defined in the script (variable names in script: a for downstream and b for upstream)

  • 6_normalize_ChIP_data_with_normr.R: this script is used to calculate the normalized enrichement scores in a window specified for each chip-seq feature (e.g. 500 bp around TSS or gene body); it takes as input a bed file with gene annotation, the input directories for chip and control experiments as well as a metadata file where the chip-seq name (e.g. CTCF), the GEO number, file name of experiment and control, the # of bp upstream of TSS (variable name in script: a), the # of bp downstream of TSS (variable name in script: b) (for gene body specify either a=NA and b=x which means from TSS to x bp downstream OR gene end if x is longer then the gene; or specify a=NA and b=NA for whole gene body); binsize for normR normalization (needs to be adapted to the width of the chip-seq peak, e.g. 1000-1500 for broad peaks and 250-750 for narrow peaks) are defined


This folder contains three scripts which are used to create the feature matrix and to build the Random Forest (RF), to do predictions and to plot the forest-guided clustering.

  • create_feature_matrix.R: this script is used to compute the feature matrix, it loads the pre-processed chip-seq data (normalized enrichment for pre-defined regions by 6_normalize_ChIP_data_with_normr.R) and computes each genomic feature as described in the manuscript

  • model_functions.R: this script contains all functions used by model.R to load the feature matrix and half-times, create boxplots for each feature seperated by class, optimize RF parameters, run stability test of RF model, get the number of top features that optimize the error rate, make predictions for genes used to build the RF and new genes, plot error rate and feature importance of the RF model, perform forest-guided (proximity) clustering and optimize number of clusters k, plot heatmap and boxplots for clustering

  • model.R: this script is used to build the RF model, to do predictions and to plot the forest-guided clustering for a set of threshold combination specified in the script; outputs all the plots for each threshold into a subfolder and the statistics for all threshold combinations into a text document in the main folder; this script was used to create all figures related to the RF model in the manuscript (e.g. feature importance Figure 4, cluster heatmaps Figure 5/6, feature importance SF7, model error SF8, clustering stability SF 11, etc.)

additional analysis

This folder contains all analysis that was done in addition to the Ranfom Forest model and forest-guided clustering.

  • analysis_enhancer.R: this script is used to create the different enhancer sets (all, strongest, closest) and plot the features, divided into silenced and not silenced genes, for those enhancer sets; it takes as input the HiCap enhancers; this script was used to generate the enhancer figure (SF 19)

  • analysis_paper_borensztein.R: this script was used to do the comparison of PRO-seq half-times with the annotated silencing classes defined in Borensztein et. al.; it takes as input the PRO-seq half-times and the defined silencing classes

  • analysis_paper_bousard.R: thsi script was used to analyse the repeat A and repeat BC denpendency and independency of genes in each cluster of the forest-guided custering for the XCI/escape and silencing dynamics model; it takes as input the mutant foldchanges and the clustering data set, which sorts the genes into different clusters; this script was used to generate the mutant figure (SF14)

  • analysis_paper_loda.R: this script was used to validate the XCI/escape model gene silencing class predictions (made on chrX and chr12) with mutant data, where an Xist transgene was located on an chr X or chr 12 and silencing kinetics where measured through allele-specific expression ratios; it takes as input the mutant AER data and the predictions of silencing classes made on each clone; this script was used to create Figure 7D and SF18

  • analysis_paper_marks.R: this script was used to do the comparison of PRO-seq half-times with the annotated silencing classes defined in Marks et. al.; it takes as input the PRO-seq half-times and the defined silencing classes

  • analysis_paper_sakata.R: thsi script was used to analyse the repeat A denpendency and independency of genes in each cluster of the forest-guided custering for the XCI/escape and silencing dynamics model; it takes as input the allel-specific expression ratio each gene and the clustering data set, which sorts the genes into different clusters; this script was used to generate Figure 2I, 5D and 6D

  • get_gene_annotation.R: this script gets the gene annotation from different sources (Gencode, ucsc, ensemble).

  • get_snp_count_per_gene.R: this script calculates the number of exonic SNPs per gene, it takes as input a file with all SNPs in CAST and B6 and the gencode m9 gene annotation

  • plots_allelic_expression.R: this script is used to plot the allele-specific expression (RPKM) of Xist and Tsix in PRO-seq and mRNA-seq; it takes as input the raw PRO-seq and mRNA-seq data; this script was used to create Figure 1C and SF2

  • plots_correlation.R: this script is used to create the feature correlation plot (SF20)

  • plots_halftime.R: this script is used to plot the distribution of half-times of PRO-seq and mRNA-seq data and the half-times in relation to genomic position of the gene on the X chromsome; it was used to generate Figure 1G and 2H

  • plots_mrna_seq_vs_predictions.R: this script is used to compare the predictions of the XCI/escape model on genes without PRO-seq half-times with the half-times measured in undifferentiated mRNA-seq for those genes; it was used to generate Figure 7C

  • plots_mrna_seq_vs_pro_seq.R: this script is used to plot the PRO-seq half-times vs the mRNA-seq halftimes; it was used to generate Figure 2B-D

  • plots_silencing_classes.R: this script was used to plot the half-time distribution in the four different silencing classes; it was used to generate Figure 2E-G


Kinetics of Xist-induced gene silencing can be predicted from combinations of epigenetic and genomic features






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