This project is an envelope for simple fetching of historical versions of page from API.
The page can be used for subsequent webscraping
Install from pip with
pip install waybackmachine
To fetch the latest version from archive, simply use fetch()
import waybackmachine as wm
url = ""
latest = wm.fetch(url)
latest.response # requests.Response # capture time
latest.url # url
Optionally you can specify date. The first version after this date is chosen.
may2020 = wm.fetch(url, date="2020-05-01")
You can also iterate archived versions backwards in time.
for version in wm.browse(url):
version.response # requests.Response # capture time
version.url # url
This will iterate the screenshots from
You can specify a custom date range as follows.
for version in wm.browse(url, start='2020-06-30', end='2020-03-01'):
Developed by Martin Benes.
Join on GitHub.