- Requirements for new members to get commit rights to subaru-community github repos
- must finish a port of one sub 10 second car (Subaru preferred) and get the PR merged to upstream or subaru-community
- must fix at least 1 bug in upstream master branch panda safety and get PR merged (any make or model)
- must find at least one undocumented canbus signal and submit PR to opendbc upstream or subaru-community
- Fix and document updating reference replay routes procedure
- Test and document subaru-community release workflow
- devel branch
- release3 branch
- Create new subaru-community-c2 branch (based on dragonpilot-community?)
- basic functionality based on 0.8.13 ml models
- all compatible changes merged from upstream
- Test and document subaru-community-c2 release workflow
- devel branch
- release2 branch
- move repos to openpilot-subaru-community github org?
- EU GDPR compliance
- add option to disable uploading all openpilot logs and videos to comma cloud storage
- add option to upload logs and videos to private cloud instances or on-prem storage services (S3/Google Drive/Azure/Nextcloud/etc)
- add option to post-process recorded videos offline to blur peoples faces and car license plates before uploading
Adding support for new models and model years, fixing bugs and finding missing signals for WIP models
- Enable Pre-Global dash lanelines display [good first PR]
- more info: #25
- Crosstrek Hybrid support
- find a openpilot user who can provide route for testing (Dave32?)
- find ES_Status CAN message equivalent (Cruise_Activated signal)
- find ES_Distance CAN message equivalent (Cruise disengage, Car_Follow, Close_Distance)
- get stock and openpilot engaged routes with uploaded logs
- set route as preserved and public after logs upload is complete
- more info: #94
- more info: #56
- PR: commaai#25378
- Subaru Ascent 2023 support
- PR: commaai#27583
- Subaru Forester 2022 support
- openpilot PR: commaai#26700
- opendbc PR: commaai/opendbc#758
- get stock and openpilot engaged routes with uploaded logs
- set route as preserved and public after logs upload is complete
- Global Gen1 Stop and Go autoresume
- find diagnostic message for resume OR do AEB tests for current implementation
- find a method for detecting electronic parking brake (remove UI toggle)
- openpilot PR: commaai#28064
- panda PR: commaai/panda#1379
- Global Gen2 Stop and Go autoresume
- Subaru Global Gen1 Experimental longitudinal control
- PR: commaai#25345
- Pre-Global Stop and Go autoresume
- find a way to autoresume for manual parking brake cars
- Subaru D
More info in Openpilot Subaru community wiki page
PS. Feel free to work on any of those whenever you have some free time and submit PR-s with relevant route PS2. Have fun but do not mess with panda safety, safety limits and make sure all CI tests pass before testing on road