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Martin Paljak edited this page Nov 22, 2016 · 2 revisions

Using OpenID X509 ID Tokens

JavaScript interface

hwcrypto.authenticate(nonce); // returns a Promise

Sample usage session

  • User navigates to a secure origin,
  • Application generates a page that includes an unique session identifier
  • User clicks "Log me in" button
  • JavaScript on the websites communicates with the browser extension, to initiate the authentication for the session identifier
  • Browser extension utilizes Native Messaging (or alternatively, localhost service or mobile app), native companion application shows the user a list of possible X509 certificates (if there are many to choose from)
  • User has the ability to cancel the authentication request or to chosen certificate and remember the choice
  • Any local authentication procedures are made (PIN entry etc)
  • Native companion application returns the signed X509 JWT ID Token to the browser extension, which binds the request (nonce) and origin (extension-verified "aud" field)
  • Browser extension calls back to the website context, where the token gets posted back (resolving the Promise) to the application
  • Application verifies the X509 JWT token and sets the authenticated state and identity of the session
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