- Introduction to Git and GitHub (2 week) link to a course
The course is awesome. I love the teaching pace of the tutor. The videos are short and informative with enough content. Short question during the lecture videos makes me alert and in fact makes me to go back and check the information again. Cheet sheets are given in every section of every week. Graded assignments are helpful, informative and covers all the contents covered in the week.
- Learngitbranching link to a course
The content was excellent. Branches, merging and other things were visualized and interactive. Here I completed exciting levels, watched step-by-step instruction on how to use Git powerful features. This course helped me better imagine the work of Git.
Сonclusion: I 've learned a lot of new things about Git that I'd never known before.
- Linux Survival (4 modules) link to a course
New thing: this course was extremely useful, because I have never used Linux before, I only knew the cd, ls commands.
The thing that surprised me: File Security, File Permission, Redirecting output. Also it was especially interesting to practice checking processes and closing them through the "ps aux" command line.
Things I'm going to use in the future: I think I'll definitely use these: cat, ls, mv, find, grep, kill, man, cd, mkdir, chmod, cp, rm, rmdir.
Сonclusion: really good online Linux lessons - they are interactive!
- HTTP (part 1) link to a article
New thing: found out about methods: head, trace, options. Also new for me was header formats.
The thing that surprised me: the variation of request message formats.
Things I'm going to use in the future: methods: POST, GET, PUT.
- HTTP (part 2) link to a article
New thing: persistent and parallel connections, Proxy and Digest Authentication, private and public hashing, Fat Urls.
The thing that surprised me: interesting hashing functionality.
The thing I'm going to use in the future: Identification and authentication
- Introduction to Git and GitHub ( weeks 3, 4 ) link to a course
New thing: that rebasing is an alternative to git merge.
The thing that surprised me: Solving Conflicts.
Something I'm going to use in the future: Git Fork and Pll Request.
Сonclusion: Excellent course I really learned a lot about git and GitHub during this course. I like most others have used git and Github before but it wasn't so clear. This course gives a person a really great foundation in a well-understood manner.
- Learngitbranching link to a course
New thing: git fetch.
The thing that surprised me: extended arguments git push.
Things I'm going to use in the future: clone, fetch, merge, pull, push rebase, checkout.
Сonclusion: The content was excellent. Branches, merging, and other things were visualized and interactive. Here I completed exciting levels, watched step-by-step instruction on how to use Git powerful features.Now, I better understand how git works.
- Intro to HTML & CSS ( weeks 1, 2 ) link to a course
New thing: I already knew things from this 2 weeks, but it was useful for repetition.
The thing that surprised me: Difficult to say cause most of information I've known till this course.
Something I'm going to use in the future: I will use html and css to building web-pages.
- Learn HTML(Eng) link to a course
New thing: 'embed' tag for media files, 'controls' for video, 'figure', 'figcaption'.
The thing that surprised me: It was quite interesting to work with table and forms.
Something I'm going to use in the future: I will use html to build web-pages.
- Learn CSS(Eng) link to a course
New thing: '@font-face' property.
The thing that surprised me: Difficult to say cause most of information I've known till this course.
Something I'm going to use in the future: I will use css to build beautiful web-pages.
- Responsive web design basics link to article
New thing: using CSS media queries for responsiveness, any-hover, any-pointer. Also discover for myself that classic readability theory suggests that an ideal column should contain 70-80 characters per line(about 8 to 10 words in English).
The thing that surprised me: nothing.
Something I'm going to use in the future: viewport, flexbox, Grid Layots, @media.
- FLEXBOX. Вчимося верстати на флексах link to video
New thing: align-self, flex-basis, flex-grow, flex-shrink.
The thing that surprised me: In general, it is interesting to use FLEXBOX at work.
Something I'm going to use in the future: align-items, flex-direction, flex-wrap, align-content.
- Flexbox Froggy link to game
Сonclusion: interesting interactive game for practice.
- CSS Grid Layout link to video
New thing: grid-template-columns, grid-template-areas, grid-auto-rows, grid-auto-columns, grit-auto-flow.
The thing that surprised me: I rarely used Grid before, but I founded out that using it make creating a web page a lot easier.
Something I'm going to use in the future: grid-column-start, grid-column-end, grid-column.
- Grid Garden link to video
Сonclusion: interesting interactive game for practice.
Сonclusion: it was extremely interesting and fun. I learned new things, such as reduce() and filter(), which I will definitely use in the future.
Сonclusion: in fact, I already knew a lot about DOM but remembering things and practicing them was useful for me. I also really liked working with a practical task, I faced with challenges, I put in the effort and solved these problems successfully.
Classic Frogger Game: DEMO | CODE BASE
I learned a lot about:
- Scopes;
- Closures;
- this keyword;
- Object Decorator Pattern;
- Functional Classes;
- Prototypal Classes;
- Pseudoclassical Patterns;
- Superclass and Subclasses;
I completed frogger game. It was difficult and unobvious task for me.
I returned to codewars service after a long period. Now I am better prepared to solve tasks (katas) and achieved new levels (kuys). I plan to continue the task solving at this service at future.