Releases: marvin1099/Forceaudiodevice
New in version 1.2 compared to 1.1 is:
- Added input timeout back in by replacing it with a temporay batch script.
- Added press any key with timeout (also uses a temporay batch script).
- Added a check for if no audio devices are selected and prompts you for them again.
- Added remove for the SoundVolumeView help and readme (for folder cleanup).
- Added question for auto startup of the script at power on (creates the shortcut with a temporary vbs file).
- The exe script now shouldn't stop after the configuration (if it happens anyway just restart it).
Version 1.2 will be the last version in 1.x.
Any future work will use a reworked version.
This is far in the future if ever an update will be made.
For now this if the final version.
Check the for more info and Instalation or download the "Forceaudiodevice.mp4" Video.
A python update to Forceaudiodevice witch requires SoundVolumeView (it will auto download if missing).
The script was using autohotkey and powershell.
The advantage is that it will check the default communications and default audio devices and change them accordingly.
Its not compatible with the old configs since the overhaul.
New in version 1.1 compared to 1.0 is:
- Fixed timeout input by removing the timeout.
- Auto creation of the .vbs added.
- Icon is back in the PY folder and on the exe.
A python update to Forceaudiodevice witch requires SoundVolumeView (it will auto download if missing).
The script was using autohotkey and powershell.
The advantage is that it will check the default communications and default audio devices and change them accordingly.
Its not compatible with the old configs since the overhaul.
Add files via upload
v0.3 VideoTUT
v0.31VT Add files via upload