The Mirador app has a user-friendly interface with 8 screens, and the display was easy to read with clearly distinguishable colors and a font that was large enough for individuals with farsightedness. The information was presented in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner to accommodate users of all types. The app was cross-platform, with an android version being developed. The front-end of the project was completed with consideration for human-computer interaction, making it easily accessible for users of all ages.
The initial screen of the Campus Mirador app displays a Welcome page with introductory text. Upon clicking the "Continue" button, the user is directed to the Sign Up page.
The following screen is the SignUp page. Our app offers two choices - to sign up or to use it as a guest. If you opt to be a guest, you can simply log in with your Gmail account. But if you are a student, faculty member, or visiting faculty, you can sign up using your institutional email. Upon selecting an option, the user will be redirected to the next screen. If the user chooses the guest option, the user will be directed to the Home Page after successful validation of your Google ID. If you choose to sign up, the user will be taken to the LogIn page.
The Login page is simple and straightforward. Users can either enter your domain email/username and password for validation, or log in as a visitor using your Google account. The Login page also offers various options such as remembering credentials through cookies, changing passwords, etc. Additionally, there is a help option available for users who need assistance. By clicking on the help icon, the user will be directed to a help page.
The central screen of our application is the Home Page. It provides you with two choices. The first option is the primary function of our project, which is to scan a building and proceed to the AR overlay screen, which is the key feature. The second option is to view statistics about the building and users, presenting the information with clear figures and text.
The "Scan the Building" screen provides the user the ability to identify a building by pointing the camera at it. A model has been created to detect the building and it can be one of three classes: SEECS UG Block, SEECS PG Block, or an IAEC building. Once the building has been scanned and identified, the user will be taken to the key screen, which is the AR Overlay screen.
The AR Overlay Screen is a crucial aspect of the app as it displays information about the classrooms, offices, and other amenities within the building using augmented reality. This feature is given high priority as it enables users to quickly get an idea of what is inside the building.
The Stats screen provides a detailed representation of the building and user data, including information on the three building classes mentioned earlier, using both numerical data and descriptive text. The aim is to give a clear understanding of the information presented.
On the Explore More screen, you can access comprehensive information about the building that you scan through the app. This information includes details about the building's dean, available floors, classrooms, offices, and other facilities.
The Chatbot screen in Campus Mirador is a user-friendly interface that utilizes ChatGPT to provide quick and accurate answers to any questions or concerns users may have about the campus, classrooms, or faculty offices.
The feedback screen in Campus Mirador allows users to provide their valuable comments and suggestions to help us improve our application. We appreciate all feedback and use it to continuously enhance our app to better meet the needs of our users.