$ git clone git@github.com:marybethhunter/mbh-portfolio.git
$ cd mbh-portfolio
- This is a site a user can visit to learn more about me as a web developer. Whether it's a potential employer or something my mom can show off to her friends, everything about my web dev life is on this site. The site features a home page, an about page, a contact page, a technologies used page, and a page displaying all my projects. The projects have a button that the user can click to see more details about that specific project. There, they can see a description, a screenshot, and links to the repo and deployed site.
- As the administrator of this site, there are many things I have access to that regular users do not. I used Private Routes from React Router Dom to achieve this. I have full CRUD on the projects section. I can edit the about me and contact sections. Finally, I can add and delete any of the technology cards in that section. A regular site visitor can only view these sections.
- One of my stretch goals for this project was to implement Material UI for styling, and I did. All non-admin components are from Material UI.
<DivStyle style={{ backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }}>
{user?.isAdmin && <Link to="/add-tech">Add New Tech</Link>}
<Masonry columns={4} gap={50}>
{techs.map((tech) => (
- Javascript
- React
- Firebase
- Postman
- Figma
- Axios
- Material UI
- Reactstrap
- Styled Components