- Git Basics
- Linux CLI and Networking
- VCS (hello gitty), GitHub and Collaboration
Front-End Basics
- Intro to HTML & CSS
- Responsive Web Design
- HTML & CSS Practice
- JavaScript Basics
- Document Object Model
Advanced topics
- Building a Tiny JS World (pre-OOP)
- Object oriented JS
- OOP exercise
- Offline Web Applications
- Memory pair game
- Website Performance Optimization
- Friends App
Git Basics
I was already familiar with Git before and used some basic commands. But, week 1-2 of Coursera's Introduction to Git and GitHub helped me understand more why Git (and VCS in general) is such a powerfull tool. I really enjoyed Learning Branching. It helped me visualise what different git commands are doing. Learning in a game format is always fun :)
Finished task can be found in a following folder
Linux CLI, and HTTP
Linux and HTTP were completelly new to me. LinuzSurvival was a geat introduction to the worls of Linux. I've learned a lot of new commands. Although, they can be easly forgotten without practice. HTTP readings were hard to understang at times and a bit boring. But I guess some basic understanding of what HTTP is can't hurt.
Finished task can be found in a following folder
VCS (hello gitty), GitHub and Collaboration
Week 3-4 of Coursera's Introduction to Git and GitHub and abvanced levels of Learning Branching helped me deepen my knowledge of Git. Now I have a pretty good idea of what remote repositories are and how to interact with them.
Finished task can be found in a following folder
Intro to HTML & CSS
Most of material from Coursera's 1-2weeks , Codecademy's Learn HTML and Learn CSS was not new to me as I studied HTML and CSS before. Nonetheless, courses were interesting and it was good to go through the topics again to refresh them in my memory.
Finished task can be found in a following folder
Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design basics was a good intro piece to responsive design. I was already familiar with Flexbox and Grid, but viveo courses definitylly helped me better understand these concepts. I will definitelly use flexbox and grid in the future as they a such a great tools that make building responsive desing so much easier. As always games - FlexboxFroggy Grid Garden - were so much fun!
Finished task can be found in a following folder
JavaScript Basics
JS basics course was a good intro piece to JavaScript. I really liked FreeCodeCamp course. Especially parts on Fucntional programming and Algorithm Scripting were challenging. As it was a completelly new material for me.
Finished task can be found in a following folder
To be continued...