A fully-compliant blazing fast Java wrapper for the Modrinth API
This API presents a (more than) full up-to-date coverage of the Modrinth API, allowing for intuitive native integration with existing java projects.
Modrinth4J is distributed through Maven Central, so just adding the following is enough.
dependencies {
implementation 'dev.masecla:Modrinth4J:2.0.0'
The following is for running Modrinth4J on the bleeding edge.
Add jitpack to the gradle repositories:
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Add Modrinth4J from jitpack to the dependencies:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.masecla22:Modrinth4J:master-SNAPSHOT'
Add jitpack to your maven repositories:
Add Modrinth4J from jitpack:
[insert examples]