The starter project has some HTML and CSS styling to display a static version of the Memory Game project. You'll need to convert this project from a static project to an interactive one. This will require modifying the HTML and CSS files, but primarily the JavaScript file.
To get started, open js/app.js
and start building out the app's functionality
For specific, detailed instructions, look at the project instructions in the Udacity Classroom.
This project required a solid understanding of DOM, and it's manipulation methods, something like a core document object model and covers these few of key concept to work with JavaScript
Interacting with the page content using JavaScript, JavaScript and the DOM to update existing page content, Creating new page content, Adding new content to the page, and how to style page elements.
Working with Browser Events, knew what happening under the hood when I interact with a website, How to listen browser events and how to respond when they occur.
Performance, writing code that can drastically change website's both content and it's looks. Wrote such code which are function and efficient.
Take a look at this which I hosted with github pages , since It's a complete browser based game no backed required . Memory game .