Github Finder is a web application that developed by ReactJs
and TypeScript
It's a training project that using it you can get a Github's user by using search it's username (by using
API endpoint), bookmark users that you want, view details of every user and so etc.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
- Search user by using apart or whole of it's username.
- Ability to toggle display mode (grid view or table view).
- Pagination (get chunk of data based of page size and page number changes).
- Ability to like a user and add it to favorites list (by using browser Localstroage)
- Ability share search results by share project url (search filters put on url queryparams)
- Change Page title by move between pages (Home, About and ...)
- Ability to toggle with themes (Change theme)
|-- public
|-- src
|-- assets
|-- components
|-- utils
|-- hooks
|-- layouts
|-- pages
|-- routes
|-- types
- ReactJs : version 18.2.0
- TypeScript : version 4.7.4
- Axios : used for make XMLHttpRequests from the browser.
- react-router-dom : used for implement routing in project.
- font-awesome : used for apply font icons.
- styled-component : used for implementing styles.
- Create user page profile details
- Use styled-component to refactor styles
- Ability toggle Theme
- Write Tests using Testing library