A full Admin Panel to start with Laravel 6 and Bulma CSS.
- Bootstrap and jQuery are no longer loaded and all referencies have been removed;
- The default Vue preset, component and view template have been removed;
- Responsive layout based on Bulma CSS fully customizable;
- Beautiful theme with sidebar menu displayed on mouse hover;
- Font Awesome icons loaded by default;
- Nice breadcrumbs (thanks to laravel-breadcrumbs package);
- Auth management with CRUD for Users, Roles and Permissions: you can assign a role to each user and one or more permissions to each role in the UI;
- User login, registration, activation and forgot password pages;
- User's profile with avatar;
- ... more to come!
Make sure you have Composer, Node and NPM installed on your machine.
Download or clone this repository and
into your app:git clone my-app cd my-app
composer install
: install via composer -
yarn && yarn run dev
(ornpm install && npm run dev
) : install dependencies and compile assets. -
Create an empty database.
cp .env.example .env
: create your.env
file and modify according to your environment. -
php artisan key:generate
: generate app key and storage folder link. -
php artisan storage:link
: generate storage folder link. -
php artisan migrate --seed
: run all migration.This creates the basic tables for Users, Roles and Permissions, with two predefined users:
- Admin (Administrator role), with all granted permissions to CRUD Users, Roles and Permissions;
- User (Simple user role), with only permission to view Users, Roles and Permissions.
You can change these default settings by adding/removing permission to each role in the UI.
php artisan serve
: run you local server. -
- Administrator_ user: email - password password
- Simple user_ user: email - password password
For bugs, questions and suggestions please use issue section.
This boilerplate is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.