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Testcontainers for PureScript


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Testcontainers is an opensource framework for providing throwaway, lightweight instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, or just about anything that can run in a Docker container.

No more need for mocks or complicated environment configurations. Define your test dependencies as code, then simply run your tests and containers will be created and then deleted.

With support for many languages and testing frameworks, all you need is Docker.

Quick example

A lot of examples are in the tests folder, but since we all love to see some code from time to time, here is a very quick example on how to launch an alpine container and execute the ps command in it, checking the result:

module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Console as Console
import Test.Testcontainers as TC

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  launchAff_ $ do
    let alpineContainer = TC.setCommand [ "sleep", "infinity" ] $ TC.mkContainer "alpine"
    eitherStarted <- TC.startContainer alpineContainer
    case eitherStarted of
      Left err -> Console.logShow err
      Right started -> do
        eitherExec <- TC.exec [ "ps" ] started
        case eitherExec of
          Left err -> Console.logShow err
          Right { output, exitCode } -> do
            Console.log $ "ps output: " <> output <> ", exitCode: " <> show exitCode

        void $ TC.stopContainer started

To avoid some of the case _ of a couple of common wrappers are provided. The code above can be rewritten as follows:

module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Console as Console
import Test.Testcontainers as TC

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  launchAff_ $ do
    let alpineContainer = TC.setCommand [ "sleep", "infinity" ] $ TC.mkContainer "alpine"
    void $ TC.withContainer alpineContainer $ \started -> do
      eitherExec <- TC.exec [ "ps" ] started
      case eitherExec of
        Left err -> Console.logShow err
        Right { output, exitCode } -> do
          Console.log $ "ps output: " <> output <> ", exitCode: " <> show exitCode

This is to be considered as a low-level library, hence it is not making use of complex monads transformers or anything, it's up to the users to define their own mtl stack if they need to.

The library uses Either String a as a generic return value for almost all the operations, where a is the success type, depending on the function called, and String is to return the errors coming from the underlying FFI interface.


Not all the features of the original Testcontainers library have been implemented yet, I plan to cover 100% of the functionalities but it will take some time to develop everything.

For now, this is a list of the supported features, more details for each feature are provided further down in the document.

  • Creation of containers
  • Basic handling (start/stop) of containers
  • Define wait strategies
  • Start in privileged mode
  • Start with capabilities (enable or disabled)
  • Handle users
  • Launch commands inside of containers
  • Create a network
  • Attach containers to a network
  • Use docker-compose definitions
  • Up and down of a compose environment
  • Get containers running in a compose environment
  • Start containers based on a profile
  • Rebuild containers automatically
  • Set environment variables from files

Local Development

If you want to test the library locally, you need to have:

  • the latest version of spago and purs
  • a running docker daemon
  • the testcontainers package installed from npm

After cloning the repository locally, you can run the tests via spago by issuing the command: spago test.


For NixOS and nix users, a flake.nix is provided, it uses the purescript-overlay from thomashoneyman to install the latest versions of spago and purs. If you use direnv you can simply direnv allow . to start a local development shell.

You will still need to install the testcontainers package from npm in your local environment on your own. Usually it is just a matter of running npm install

Warning: since I only use a GNU/Linux environment, the flake.nix is configured only for x86_64-linux architecture. If you work on a different architecture or environment, feel free to modify the flake.nix file and send me a Pull Request.


The most basic building block of the library is the container entity. It allows users to create, start, interact and stop containers. It is most probably the entity you will use the most in your projects and it is the most complete one for this wrapper. A container is defined with the following union data:

data TestContainer
  = StartedTestContainer Image StartedTestContainer
  | StoppedTestContainer Image StoppedTestContainer
  | GenericContainer Image GenericContainer

Where Image is a newtype for a String object, defining a complete reference to a docker image (e.g. redis:latest).

For convenience, a Typeclass is defined, which allows Strings to be converted easily and used in place of the newtype:

newtype Image = Image String

class IsImage c where
  toImage :: c -> Image

instance IsImage Image where
  toImage = identity

instance IsImage String where
  toImage = Image

Although the constructors for the TestContainer data are public, you are strongly advised to refrain from using them directly and instead use the provided smart constructor mkContainer, which has the following signature:

mkContainer ::  a. IsImage a => a -> TestContainer

The reason why, is because the underlying definition uses some foreign data which represent stateful JavaScript objects used by the Testcontainers library directly. All the intricacies of the original library are handled "transparently" by the wrapper.

Create container

As stated above, creating a container is as simple as calling the mkContainer function, providing a valid definition of a docker image. The definition can either be a local image or a remote one, it will use the docker daemon to solve the reference, so by default (and in most standard installations of docker) it will search for the image on hub.


-- Create a container for postgresql, version 14 and the alpine variant
mkContainer (Image "postgres:14-alpine")

-- Since the 'mkContainer' function expects a typeclass IsImage, the same
-- can be written as follows
mkContainer "postgres:14-alpine"

Create a container from a Dockerfile

It is also possible to create a container from a Dockerfile definition, the system will docker build it for you and afterwards you will have a useable container.

There are actually three different flavours of the same basic functionality:

  1. mkContainerFromDockerfile which takes a FilePath to a context (i.e., a folder containing a Dockerfile) and the name of an image, which will be used as the result of the build;
  2. mkContainerFromDockerfile' which takes a FilePath to a context, a single Dockerfile which must be inside of the context and the name of an image, which will be used as the result of the build;
  3. a more complete mkContainerFromDockerfileOpts which takes a lot of parameters but gives more control about all the building options, the parameter it takes are:
    • FilePath to a context;
    • Maybe String of a Dockerfile (if Nothing, will use Dockerfile);
    • Maybe PullPolicy to specify the PullPolicy to use;
    • IsImage for the image name;
    • Maybe (Array KV) for the build arguments;
    • Maybe Boolean which, if Just true will reuse the cache


main :: Aff Unit
main = do
  cnt <- mkContainerFromDockerfile "./path/to/a/folder" "my-image:latest"

The first parameter of the mkContainerFromDockerfile function is a FilePath to a folder that contains a Dockerfile (a build context). The second parameter is the final name of the image which will be built.

As an alternative, you can use mkContainerFromDockerfile' which accepts a third parameter: the name of a Dockerfile to use to build the image.

main :: Aff Unit
main = do
  cnt <- mkContainerFromDockerfile' "./path/to/a/folder" "Dockerfile" "my-image:latest"

For the third version of the function, it is better to take a look at the test file directly, which contains a full working call of the function.

Start a container

Once you have your container, you can start it by calling the startContainer function, for which the signature is the following:

startContainer ::  m. MonadAff m => TestContainer -> m (Either String TestContainer)

This function has some side effects, hence it expects to be run inside of an asynchronous monad (the Aff monad). It will return an Either value, containing either an error message - already converted to a string - or a StartedTestContainer value.


This is the most basic example of starting a container inside of the Aff monad itself.

testContainer :: Aff Unit
testContainer = do
  started <- startContainer $ mkContainer "redis:latest"
  -- do something with the container
  void $ stopContainer started

You can also use the Effect monad by launching an Aff computation inside:

testContainer :: Effect Unit
testContainer = launchAff_ $
    void $ stopContainer (startContainer $ mkContainer "redis:latest")

Stop a container

Similar to while starting a container, you can stop it by calling the stopContainer function, which has the following signature:

stopContainer ::  m. MonadAff m => TestContainer -> m (Either String TestContainer)

Just like the startContainer function, this function has side-effects, hence it expects to be run inside of an asynchronous monad.

Configuring the container

For configuring the containers I wanted to provide a similar experience to what is provided by the original library, for this reason all the functions which interact with the setup of the container share the same signature:

configureSomething :: SomeParameter -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

This will allow you to take advantage of the partial application, one of the main advantages of curried functions in functional programming and compose all the configuration functions together, for example:

configureContainer :: TestContainer -> TestContainer
configureContainer =
  setEnvironment env
    <<< setUser "root"
    <<< setThis "that" "andThat"
    <<< setWaitStrategy [ SomeWaitStrategy ]

main :: Effect Unit
main =
    container = configureContainer $ mkContainer "redis:latest"
  in do
    startContainer container
    --- etc

Port Mapping

Most of the times, when you want to test something with docker is a service which will be exposed via some standard TCP or UDP ports. The most basic configuration function is then to map those ports to a localhost port, in order to be able to access the exposed service from the host machine.

The signature of the function is:

setExposedPorts :: Array Int -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

Warning: by default, Testcontainers will not expose the same port to the host, this is to make it possible to run multiple tests in parallel, once you have set the exposedPorts you will need to retrieve the real ports exposed using one of the getMappedPort functions:

getMappedPort ::  m. MonadEffect m => Int -> TestContainer -> m (Either String Int)
getFirstMappedPort ::  m. MonadEffect m => TestContainer -> m (Either String Int)

These functions only work on started containers.

testRedis :: Aff Unit
testRedis = do
  started <- startContainer $ setExposedPorts [ 6379 ] $ mkContainer "redis:latest"
  exposedPort <- liftEffect $ getMappedPort 6379 started
  -- now do something with the exposed port

When a container only exposes a single port, as per the example above, you can use the getFirstMappedPort function:

testRedis :: Aff Unit
testRedis = do
  started <- startContainer $ setExposedPorts [ 6379 ] $ mkContainer "redis:latest"
  exposedPort <- liftEffect $ getFirstMappedPort started
  -- now do something with the exposed port

Set a Wait Strategy

Waiting strategies are a mechanism used internally by Testcontainers to know when a container is to be considered as available for the rest of the code.

When setting a Wait Strategy, the library will block the execution of the code until either the Timeout is reached or the Wait Strategy is satisfied.

Wait strategies are always blocking and you should never bypass them, since some functionalities (port forwarding for example) won't be available until the strategy is satisfied.

The signature of the function is:

setWaitStrategy :: Array WaitStrategy -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

And WaitStrategy is a union data type that represents the different ways to wait, almost all of the strategies defined by the original library are implemented:

data WaitStrategy
  = ListeningPorts -- ^ Default waiting strategy, wait for the exposed ports to be available
  | LogOutput String Int -- ^ Look in the logs for the provided String to appear at least Int times
  | HealthCheck -- ^ Wait until the health check is healthy
  | HttpStatusCode String Int Int -- ^ Wait until the Http request at the path String and port Int returns the statuscode Int
  | HttpResponsePredicate String Int (String -> Boolean) -- ^ Similar to above, but instead of the statuscode, a predicate is required
  | ShellCommand String -- ^ Run the provided shell command and wait until it returns exit code 0
Configuring the timeout

The timeout for the wait strategies listed below is configurable using the function

newtype StartupTimeout = StartupTimeout Int
setStartupTimeout :: StartupTimeout -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

By default is set to 60 seconds, if the timeout is reached before the successful completion of the defined wait strategy then the container is immediately stopped and the startContainer function will return with an error (i.e. Left String)


This is the most basic and default WaitStrategy implemented by Testcontainers. When you use the setExposedPorts function (described here) it will wait until the exposed port is available. This is done with some heuristics and while it is accurate most of the time, sometimes it won't work properly, especially if the container is restarting internally (for example postgres containers tend to start the server multiple times while doing the initial setup). This strategy is always active and there are no configuration parameters to configure it.


This Wait Strategy will wait for some string to appear in the container's logs the number of times defined by the constructor.

The provided string will be treated as a regular expression by the underlying library.

testPostgre :: Aff Unit
testPostgre = do
  let config = setExposedPorts [ 5432 ]
    <<< setWaitStrategy [ LogOutput "database system is ready to accept connections" 2 ]
      -- ^ postgresql will restart after the initial configuration, we know that the
      -- service is ready only when that line has appeared twice
  started <- startContainer $ config $ mkContainer "postgres:14-alpine"
  -- do something with postgresql container

This Wait Strategy will wait until the health check defined in the Dockerfile of the image is healthy. In the original library there is a way to define a custom HealthCheck, but this has not been implemented in this wrapper yet.


This Wait strategy will wait for a specific HttpStatusCode to be returned on the given path and at the given port.

The constructor takes 3 parameters, the first one is the path, the second is the port and the third is the expected status code.

WARNING: in order for this wait strategy to work, you have to map a port before, otherwise the underlying system won't be able to trigger the HTTP call.

main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ $ do
  upped <- startContainer (setWaitStrategy [ HttpStatusCode "/" 80 200 ] <<< setExposedPorts [ 80 ] $ mkContainer "nginx:alpine")
  -- do something with the container
  void $ stopContainer

Similar to the HttpStatusCode, this Wait Strategy will interact with the underlying container via HTTP. The constructor takes 3 parameters: the path where to send the HTTP request to, the port and a function which takes a String and returns a Boolean, the String is the raw HTTP body returned by the service. The service is considered to be ready if the predicate returns true.

main :: Aff Unit
main = do
  let config =
    setWaitStrategy [ HttpResponsePredicate "/" 80 (\s -> "welcome to nginx" `includes` s) ]
      <<< setExposedPorts [ 80 ]

  started <- startContainer (config $ mkContainer "nginx:alpine")
  -- do something with it
  void $ stopContainer started

This final constructor is ShellCommand, it takes a single parameter which is a shell script to be periodically launched inside the container. It will stop when either one of the following conditions is met:

  • the timeout occurs (see configuring the timeout
  • the shell script completes successfully (i.e. its exit code is 0)

Environment variables

It is possible to inject environment variables inside the container using the function:

type KV = { key :: String, value :: String }
setEnvironment :: Array KV -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

The variables will be available immediately, it is the exact equivalent to the flag -e of the docker run command.

Privileged Mode

If you need your container to run in privileged mode, you can do so with the function

setPrivilegedMode :: TestContainer -> TestContainer

Equivalent to the --privileged flag of docker run.


All the Linux capabilities can be added or removed before starting the container, this is the list of the constructors.

WARNING: not all of them have been tested!

data Capability
  = AuditControl
  | AuditRead
  | AuditWrite
  | BlockSuspend
  | BPF
  | CheckpointRestore
  | Chown
  | DACOverride
  | DACReadSearch
  | FOwner
  | FSetID
  | IPCLock
  | IPCOwner
  | Kill
  | Lease
  | LinuxImmutable
  | MACAdmin
  | MACOverride
  | MkNod
  | NetAdmin
  | NetBindService
  | NetBroadcast
  | NetRaw
  | PerfMon
  | SetGid
  | SetFCap
  | SetPCap
  | SetUid
  | SysAdmin
  | SysBoot
  | SysChroot
  | SysModule
  | SysNice
  | SysPAcct
  | SysPTrace
  | SysRawIO
  | SysResource
  | SysTime
  | SysTtyConfig
  | WakeAlarm

Two functions are available to add or remove a capability:

setAddedCapabilities :: Array Capability -> TestContainer -> TestContainer
setDroppedCapabilities :: Array Capability -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

Set User

It is also possible to change the default user of the container:

setUser :: User -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

Set Command

It is possible to set the command to be launched upon starting the container, this is passed to the entrypoint of the configured underlying container (if any)

setCommand :: Array String -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

(An example is provided in the following paragraph)

Exec a command

Once a container is started, you can exec commands inside using the following function:

type ExecResult = { output :: String, exitCode :: Int }
exec ::  m. MonadAff m => Array String -> TestContainer -> m (Either String ExecResult)

The Array String parameter is passed directly to execve so it has to conform to that standard.

execCommandTest :: Aff Unit
execCommandTest = do
  cnt <- startContainer (setCommand [ "sleep", "infinity" ] $ mkContainer "alpine:latest")
  case cnt of
    Right c -> do
      execResultE <- exec [ "ls", "/" ] cnt
      case execResultE of
        Right { output, exitCode } -> do
          -- do something with output and exitCode
          pure unit
        Left _ -> pure unit
    Left _ -> pure unit

Use the withContainer helper

To make it easier to interact with containers, and to avoid the hassle of having to either start and stop them on your own or to bracket somehow, a function is provided:

withContainer ::  m a. (MonadAff m) => TestContainer -> (TestContainer -> m a) -> m (Either String a)

This function takes a GenericContainer as first parameter, a function acting with it as the second parameter and returns an Either of a String (the default error type) or the result of the executed action.

testWithContainer :: Aff Unit
testWithContainer = do
  let cnt = setCommand [ "sleep", "infinity" ] $ mkContainer "alpine:latest"
  res <- withContainer cnt $ \c -> do
    exec [ "ls", "/" ] c

  case res of
    Left e -> Console.log $ "An error occured: " <> e
    Right { output, exitCode } -> do
      Console.log $ "Exec output: " <> output <> ", exitCode: " <> show exitCode

The snippet above will start and stop the container automatically, after the exec of the ls / command.


This library provides a couple of function for creating, handling and attaching networks to containers. This will allow you to create separated services and to allow those services to communicate with each other easily.

As usual, the test folder contains some integration tests which will tell you how to use those functions.

Create a network

Creating a network is similar to the creation of a container, although the constructor is public, it is better to use the smart constructor defined as follows:

mkNetwork :: Network

The smart constructor takes no parameter and will create a GenericNetwork.

Start a network

Once you have created your network, and before being able to attach it to existing containers, you must start it using the following function:

startNetwork ::  m. MonadAff m => Network -> m (Either String Network)

This will return you a StartedNetwork or a String with an error message.

Please not that the network is stopped automatically by Testcontainers when it is no longer used.

Attach a container to a network

With a StartedNetwork, you can attach containers to it using the following function:

setNetwork :: Network -> TestContainer -> TestContainer

You can attach multiple containers to the network, it is also advised to use the setNetworkAliases function in order to be able to refer to other containers in the same network using an easy-to-remember name:

setNetworkAliases :: Array String -> TestContainer -> TestContainer


networkTest :: Aff Unit
networkTest = do
  commonNetwork <- startNetwork mkNetwork
  case commonNetwork of
    Left e -> Console.log $ "Error: " <> e
    Right network -> do
      firstAlpine <- mkAffContainer "alpine:latest" $
        setCommand [ "sleep", "infinity" ]
          <<< setNetwork network
          <<< setNetworkAliases [ "firstAlpine" ]

      secondAlpine <- mkAffContainer "alpine:latest" $
        setCommand [ "sleep", "infinity" ]
          <<< setNetwork network
          <<< setNetworkAliases [ "secondAlpine" ]

      void $ withContainer firstAlpine $ \c ->
        void $ withContainer secondAlpine $ \c' -> do
          case (exec [ "getent", "hosts", "secondAlpine" ] c) of
            Left e -> Console.log $ "Error: " <> e
            Right { output, exitCode } -> do
              Console.log $ "Exec output: " <> output <> ", exitCode: " <> show exitCode

          case (exec [ "getent", "hosts", "firstAlpine" ] c') of
            Left e -> Console.log $ "Error: " <> e
            Right { output, exitCode } -> do
              Console.log $ "Exec output: " <> output <> ", exitCode: " <> show exitCode
  mkAffContainer ::  a m. IsImage a => MonadAff m => a -> (TestContainer -> TestContainer) -> m TestContainer
  mkAffContainer img conf = pure <$> conf $ mkContainer img

Docker Compose

Testcontainers supports docker-compose format file and allows the creation and handling of environments quite easily. There are some caveats though, for example it will be up to the developers to expose the needed ports for the services and to guarantee that there will be no binding conflicts. Whenever it is possible, prefer creating your containers using the containers' API instead.

Create an environment

Just like everything else, the constructors for the DockerComposeEnvironment are open but it is better to use the smart constructor:

mkComposeEnvironment :: FilePath -> (Array FilePath) -> DockerComposeEnvironment

The constructor takes 2 parameters, a FilePath pointing to the root of your environment's context and an Array String of the compose files which will be used.

Up an environment

Once you have created your environment using the smart constructor described above, you can start it easily using the function composeUp:

composeUp ::  m. MonadAff m => DockerComposeEnvironment -> m (Either String DockerComposeEnvironment)

This function returns an Either of a String describing the error or a newly created, started docker compose environment.

Down an environment

To stop a running environment:

composeDown ::  m. MonadAff m => DockerComposeEnvironment -> m (Either String DockerComposeEnvironment)

Be aware that it is not possible to restart a stopped environment, you will need to create a new one.

Use the withCompose helper

To avoid the hassle of having to remember to stop your environment, a bracketing function is provided, very similar to the withContainer one described a little earlier for containers.

withCompose ::  m a. MonadAff m => DockerComposeEnvironment -> (DockerComposeEnvironment -> m a) -> m (Either String a)

Get a container from the environment

Once your environment is up & running you can play with the included containers using the provided function:

getContainer ::  m. MonadEffect m => DockerComposeEnvironment -> String -> m (Either String TestContainer)

The String parameter is the name of the service from which you want to retrieve the container, note that if you're using compose version < 1.6 the name of the service will have a _1 suffixed while with compose >= 1.6 it will be -1.

If your compose file looks like this:

version: "3.6"
    image: nginx:alpine

Then the name of the service will either be:

  • nginx_1 if you're using compose < 1.6 or
  • nginx-1 if using a more recent version of compose

To avoid having to unwrap the Either every time, a commodity function is available:

withComposeContainer ::  m a. MonadAff m => DockerComposeEnvironment -> String -> (TestContainer -> m a) -> m (Either String a)

Set Wait strategies for containers

It is possible to define a wait strategy for a specific container which is part of the Compose environment using the provided function:

setWaitStrategy :: Array WaitStrategy -> String -> DockerComposeEnvironment -> DockerComposeEnvironment

The second parameter of the function is the name of the service in the compose environment.

Use Profiles

In the Compose specifications it is possible to define different profiles in the same docker compose file, for example:

version: '3.7'

    image: postgres:14-alpine
    profiles: [ "db" ]
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
      POSTGRES_DB: postgres
    image: redis:alpine
    profiles: [ "cache" ]
    user: redis
    image: alpine:latest
    command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep infinity" ]
    profiles: [ "backend" ]

Here, three profiles have been defined: db, cache and backend, each profile will allow the creation of one or more service. You can specify which profiles you want to use when creating your docker compose environment using the provided function:

setProfiles :: Array String -> DockerComposeEnvironment -> DockerComposeEnvironment

Automatically rebuild

It is possible to tell to Testcontainers to automatically rebuild the images needed for your services each time you up your environment by using the following function:

setRebuild :: DockerComposeEnvironment -> DockerComposeEnvironment

In order for this to work you need to use the build definition in your compose file, just like in the example below:

version: '3.7'
      tags: [ "built-redis:latest" ]
      context: .
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile.redis
    image: built-redis:latest
      tags: [ "built-nginx:latest" ]
      context: .
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile.nginx
      - target: 80
        published: 8080
        protocol: tcp
    image: built-nginx:latest

The full example is available in the tests folder.

Use Environment variables

Sometimes you want your compose file to be dynamically interpreted using some environment variables, this is possible with Testcontainers in two different ways. First, let's create our dynamic compose file as follows:

version: '3.7'
    image: alpine:${ALPINE_TAG}
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep infinity"]

For this example to work we need to provide a definition for the three environment variables, otherwise Testcontainers will refuse to up our environment.

From Files

The first option we have is to define our variables in a dotenv file (i.e. a file where each line has the syntax VARIABLE=VALUE) and then use the function below:

setEnvironmentFile :: FilePath -> DockerComposeEnvironment -> DockerComposeEnvironment

Please notice that the first parameter is relative to the root of our environment, so if we have defined our environment using the following call:

-- Remember:
-- mkComposeEnvironment :: FilePath -> (Array FilePath) -> DockerComposeEnvironment
let myEnv = mkComposeEnvironment "./test/compose/environmentfile” [ "compose.yaml" ]

And we want to use the .env.custom file located in ./test/compose/environmentfile all we need to do is:

let withEnvFile = setEnvironmentFile ".env.custom" env

As usual, a full working example is available in the tests folder of this repository.

From Code

Finally, it is also possible to set the environment variables programmatically using the following function:

setEnvironment :: Array KV -> DockerComposeEnvironment -> DockerComposeEnvironment

For example, to fulfill the file described at the beginning of this chapter we could simply:

-- Remember:
-- mkComposeEnvironment :: FilePath -> (Array FilePath) -> DockerComposeEnvironment
let myEnv = mkComposeEnvironment "./test/compose/environmentfile” [ "compose.yaml" ]
let filledEnv =
    [ { key: "ALPINE_TAG", value: "latest" }
    , { key: "SOMEVARIABLE", value: "v" }
    , { key: "QUOTEDVARIABLE", value: "x" } ]