MOS Technology 6502 8-bit CPU emulator written in TypeScript.
Passes common test suites (AllSuiteA and 6502_functional_test).
For some reason publishing a package called "6502" to NPM is not possible.
Because of this I include a transpiled version in the repo that will allow everyone to install the package with the following command:
yarn add mat-sz/6502
or, if you use npm:
npm install mat-sz/6502
import { MEMORY_SIZE, State, step } from "6502";
// Create 64k of RAM.
const memory = new Uint8Array(MEMORY_SIZE);
let state = new State();
let PC = 0;
state.PC = 0x0400;
memory.set(new Uint8Array(binary), 0x4000);
while (state.PC != PC) {
// Store old PC for infinite loop detection.
PC = state.PC;
// Step isn't a pure function yet, state will be mutated.
state = step(state,
(offset) => memory[offset], // getMemory = (offset) => value
(offset, value) => memory[offset] = value // setMemory = (offset, value) => void