Two simple php scripts that amplify voice of community. Created as an effort to create critical mass of tweets and visibility for lithuanian startups to use common hashtag for good news and startups relevant tweets. Lets see, how does it develop :)
Follow #LTstartups. lithuanian-startups Tweeps, who are not retweeted
Come up with hashtag name (warning it may take a while). Create new tweeter user. Get a few people posting into hashtag. Setup the scripts. Make a list of people, who are supposed to contribute.. wait..
1. Retweets tweeps in the hashtag except for tweeps in ignored list
2. Retweets startups from the list
3. Auto-follows tweeps who use the hashtag
Journal for #LTstartups experiment
3 Dec Discussion for the hashtag name has started
8 Dec 1st name chosen
11 Dec Dammit! We forgot to use the urban dictionary.
15 Dec Pivot to another name.
16 Dec Scripts put on a crontab
18 Dec Terminated the script due to naming disputes
7 Aug Hashtag is alive... but full of tweets by organisations and local accelerator
8 Aug Restarting project with a blacklist.
16 Aug Script works! Moving blacklist into a separate list
- sqlite
- php pdo sqlite3 extension
- php curl extension
- twitteroauth (included in the repo)
- git clone git://
- create an application at and generate access token for Read & Write.
- cp config.php.example config.php
- edit config.php and fill credentials from as well as your hashtag, list name and username
- setup cron job via your hosting provider or using the crontab
- ...
- profit