This is my vim configuration. It's based in justinlilly vim_files, but I'd been adding several plugins for some time so it's too late to be kind and fork it's project. There are also some ticks stolen from cuerty's dotfiles.
It's specially configured to be used in Django, Python, CSS, HTML and JavaScript and Node.js development, which are the languages and frameworks I use in a daily basis (and that I love).
Personal Colour Switcher
More than 100 color schemes.
NERD Tree: hax0r vim script to give you a tree explorer
NERD Commenter for intensely orgasmic commenting.
snippetsEmu: An attempt to emulate TextMate's snippet expansion.
Tag List: is a source code browser for the Vim editor.
python.vim and python.vim: Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script.
vim-pep8 PEP8 checking from inside vim for python files!
django.vim: Syntax highlighting for Django templates.
Css Pretty: Pretty-print a css file.
vim-javascript: Vastly improved vim's javascript indentation, syntaxs and other goodies.
jade.vim: Jade (node.js) template engine syntax highlighting and indention.
vim-scala Scala Tool Support (from
vim-rails: Ruby on Rails: easy file navigation, enhanced syntax highlighting, and more.
lodgeit.vim: pastes code to
- plugin: A simple script to send your buffer or selection to and returns a url.
vcscommand.vim: CVS/SVN/SVK/git/hg/bzr integration plugin.
GetLatestVimScripts, a plugin that automates retrieval of the latest versions of the scripts that you yourself use!