Rip-off of rip-off of skyzh's CV, using Typst.
PRs and suggestions are welcome.
is far from perfect and may conflict with existing typst
built-in commands! Please report any issues you find.
[🔮New! (2024/10/09)] I switched to use typst-fontawesome
is generated by merging Font Awesome 6 Free-Solid-900.otf
and Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf
using fontforge. Original Font Awesome fonts were downloaded from here (Desktop version) (6.0.4 as of 2023/04/01).
[🔮New! (2024/10/09)] As the template is now dependent on typst-fontawesome
, I decided to provide the original Font Awesome fonts instead of the merged one.
[🚧 WIP (2024/10/09)] There is plan for releasing the template to Typst universe. Stay tuned!
Upload chicv.typ
, resume.typ
and fonts/*
to Typst, and then you can edit the CV.
Assume that you have installed typst
cli already and it's in your $PATH
git clone
cd typst-chi-cv-template
typst compile --font-path ./fonts ./template/resume.typ resume.pdf
#import "@preview/chicv-ripoff:1.0.1": *
// Customize the page margin and cventry paragraph padding
// It's the same as #set page(...)
#show: chicv.with(
margin: (x: 1cm, top: 1.5cm, bottom: 2cm),
par-padding: (left: 0pt, right: 0pt),
// Chi's name
= Chi Zhang
// Display the input values in one line separated by vertical bars, preceded by a Font Awesome icon
// email, phone, github, website, linkedin have pre-defined styles
email: "",
phone: "+1 (145) 141-919",
github: "",
website: "",
linkedin: "",
// It is also possible to feed customized values using:
// --> Format 1: <icon-name>: <link>
x-twitter: "",
// --> Format 2: a dictionary like below
(link: "", text: "Typst", icon: "t", solid: true),
== Education
// by default, #cventry will bold top-left text
tl: "Carnegie Mellon University",
// #dates(from: xxx, to: xxx) generates a date range, "to" is optional
tr: dates(from: "2022/08", to: "2023/12"),
bl: "Master of Science in Computer Science, GPA 4.10/4.33",
br: "Pittsburgh, PA, USA"
- Teaching Assistant for 15-445/645 Database Systems (Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023)
- Courses: Distributed Systems, Compiler Design, Advanced Database Systems, Deep Learning Systems, etc.
// ...
// omitted
// ...
== Work Experience
// but you can override the default bold style by passing content blocks
tl: [#link("")[*Neon*]],
tr: dates(from: "2024/02"),
bl: [Systems Software Engineer],
br: [Remote / Pittsburgh, PA, USA],
// you can also override the default padding of content blocks
padding: (bottom: -5pt)
tl: [_... and also_],
tr: dates(from: "2023/05", to: "2023/08"),
bl: [Software Engineer Intern],
br: [Remote / Pittsburgh, PA, USA],
// content omitted
// The template also provides #iconlink and #githublink (a shorthand for #iconlink(icon: "github", text: ..., ...))
#iconlink("", text: "TiKV", icon: "heart")
#githublink("", text: "tikv")