KV-Storage provides an async Map
like key-value API backed by various persistence options. KV-Storage has been inspired by
the work of Keyv and the WICG's kv-storage
The following is an example of using kv-storage
using a basic in-memory Map
import { StorageArea } from '@kv-storage/core'
(async () => {
const storage = new StorageArea()
await storage.set("alice", "Bob");
console.log(await storage.get("alice")); // Logs "Bob"
for await (const [key, value] of storage.entries()) {
console.log(key, value);
// Logs "alice", "Bob"
await storage.delete("alice");
console.log(await storage.get("alice")); // Logs undefined
import { StorageArea } from '@kv-storage/core'
import { RedisDatabase } from '@kv-storage/redis'
(async () => {
const RedisDatabase = new RedisDatabase("redis://")
const storage = new StorageArea({ database: RedisDatabase })
await storage.set("alice", "Bob");
import { StorageArea } from '@kv-storage/core'
import { RedisDatabase } from '@kv-storage/redis'
(async () => {
const RedisDatabase = new RedisDatabase("redis://")
const storageUsers = new StorageArea({ database: RedisDatabase, namespace: 'users' })
const storageAccounts = new StorageArea({ database: RedisDatabase, namespace: 'accounts' })
await storageUsers.set("alice", "Bob")
await storageAccounts.set("alice", "Charles")
console.log(await storageUsers.get("alice")); // Logs "Bob"
console.log(await storageAccounts.get("alice")); // Logs "Charles"
Previous projects such as Keyv
added default support for serializing using json-buffer
. Reading issues such as
tc39/proposal-bigint#162, is has been decided to leave serialization/deserialization of non-standard
values (Buffer, bigint etc.) to the user. As users will be able to better understand the needs and format of their data.
Consider an object with the following structure
const account = {
id: "Alice",
balance: 15n
Custom serializer and deserializer can be defined as follows
function replacer(key, value) {
if(typeof value === 'bigint') {
return {
_isBigInt: true,
v: value.toString()
return value;
const customSerializer = (input) => JSON.stringify(input, replacer)
function reviver(key, value) {
if(typeof value === 'object' && value._isBigInt) {
return BigInt(value.v)
return value
const customDeserializer = () => JSON.parse(input, reviver)
Using the customSerializer
and customDeserializer
import { StorageArea } from '@kv-storage/core'
import { RedisDatabase } from '@kv-storage/redis'
(async () => {
const account = {
id: "Alice",
balance: 15n
const storage = new StorageArea({
serialize: customSerializer,
deserialize: customDeserializer
await storage.set("alice", account)
console.log(await storage.get("alice")); // Logs {id: "Alice", balance: 15n}
provides async iterators to entries()
, values()
and keys()
with no guarantee of isolation. This means
the following guarantees:
- An iterator will return all values that were present within the store from the start to the end of a full iteration.
- An iterator won't return values that were not present from the start to the end of a full iteration.
- Values that were not constantly present during an iteration may or may not be returned.
Overcoming the above limitations would require adding transaction support to the library. The ability to handle transactions is on the roadmap but not a top priority.
Namespace in which key-value
pairs will be stored
An instance of a kv-storage
compliant database driver
Serialization function that takes in an input (string, number, object etc) and returns a string
Deserialization functions that takes in an input string and returns a given value (string, number, object etc)
Sets the value of the entry identified by key
to value
. Returns a promise that fulfills with undefined
once this is complete.
Returns a promise for the value of the entry identified by key
, or undefined
if no value is present.
Removes the entry identified by key
, if it exists. Once this completes, returns a promise for undefined.
Clears all entries. Returns a promise for undefined
Returns an async iterator for all the stored keys, sorted in the underlying stores order.
Returns an async iterator for all the stored values, sorted to correspond with keys()
Returns an async iterator of [key, value]
pairs, sorted to correspond with keys()
- Transaction Support
- Serialize/Deserialize helper functions for common types such as buffer, bigint and date
- Add more datastore options (dynamodb, workers kv, firestore)
- URI support for StorageArea constructor
- DB connection error handling