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Mateus Oliveira edited this page Jul 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

To test the website code, and collect coverage results, the project uses Jest (alongside React Testing Library).

To run the project tests, and collect coverage results into coverage-results folder, run

npm test

which is an alias to jest command (check package.json scripts object). So, if Jest is globally installed in your machine, running


will have the same result. If it is only locally installed (in the node_modules of the project), running

npx jest

will have the same result.

Project's Jest configuration is stored in the jest.config.ts file, in the root directory. bail option is interesting for CI solutions, as Jest stops at first test failed.

To write a TODO in a test, use


inside describe/test block.

To run an individual test file, run

npx jest path/to/file.test.tsx

To run jest in watch mode, pass the --watch flag.

To run jest without collecting coverage results, pass the --coverage=false flag.

For more information, check Jest CLI Options.

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