Repository contains code and presentation of: "Zero-Downtime deployments in Kubernetes"
- minikube
- kubectl
- helm
- sql
- JDK8 or higher for Java examples
- Golang 1.8 or higher for Go examples
Start minikube:
minikube start
Install MySQL(with Helm):
helm install --set mysqlRootPassword=password --name mysql stable/mysql
kubectl get service mysql-mysql -o yaml | sed 's/type: ClusterIP/type: NodePort/g' | kubectl replace -f -
Create db:
cd mysql && ./ create
Run Users Service in Kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f kube/java/01_users_srv.yaml
Run Users Deployment in Kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f kube/java/02_deployment.yaml
Run Users Service in Kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f kube/golang/01_users_srv.yaml
Run Users Deployment in Kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f kube/golang/02_deployment.yaml
- Add example with Canary deployment
- Add some difference (new field) between App V1 and App V2
- [Presentation] Use better diagram to introduce Kubernetes
- Add code snippet with HealthController
- Create new version of presentation fo Golang