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Questo (server)

Docker configuration (currently only for local development):

  • docker-compose.yml - contains 3 services
    • server - node.js app server
    • dybamodb - local version od dynamodb instance
    • dynamodb_create_table - container running aws-cli
      • this container installs aws-cli
      • and runs aws cli-against dynamodb container (to create db table)
      • uses to create the db table
      • (this container might be replaced by seeding the db on local db connect)

For Dev development:

  • docker:dev:start - starts the start npm script inside docker container
  • docker:dev:stop - stops dev containers
  • the app is exposed to http://localhsot:4000

For Dev Debugging:

  • run docker:dev:start like for development
    • docker-compose.yaml exposes 9229 nodemon default debug port
    • start npm script passes --inspect= to nodemon which allows to connect from any address
  • use WebStorm Attach to Node.js/Chrome config with
    • reconnect automatically option
    • port 9229 which is a default nodemon --inspect port

Running on Kubernetes locally (via Minikube):

  • prerequisites (for your local machine)
    • (install docker - for building images)
    • install kubectl - to interact with minikube env
    • install minikube - to run Kubernetes locally
    • install minikube tunnel - to be able to get external IP from the questo-server-service (see terraform config file)
    • install terraform - to deploy infrastructure to Kubernetes (minikube) cluster
  • switch to minikube docker env
    • run minikube docker-env (or eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env))
  • build images (from the root dir):
    • for questo server:
      • run docker build -t questo-server-image -f docker/app/Dockerfile .
    • for creating dynamodb table and admin user:
      • run docker build -t dynamodb-create-table-image -f docker/dynamodb/Dockerfile-dynamodb-table docker/dynamodb --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWD=admin123 --build-arg DYNAMODB_URL=http://questo-dynamodb-service:8000 --build-arg AWS_REGION=local
        • questo-dynamodb-service is a url to the service that connects to dynamodb pod to execute aws cli commands
  • start minikube tunnel in a separate terminal window
  • run Kubernetes cluster
    • go to ./tf/kubernetes directory:
      • run terraform init - to initialise terraform
      • run terraform plan/apply - to deploy the infrastructure to the local Minikube cluster
  • the service should now be running in Minikube
  • validate by sending a request using questo-server-service external IP address
    • display all services in namespace by running kubectl get all -n minikube-local-ns
      • copy/paste EXTERNAL-IP of questo-server-service
      • use it with for example Postman to send a request to the service on port 4000


apollo graphql app






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